Sunday, 4 August 2013

Share It Sunday, Brians' Home Blog!

Nominated by last weeks' guest blogger Timmy Tomcat!

Thankful Thursday: The No Pass Rules!

 While there are many things to be thankful for on a regular basis, it’s always nice to not overlook some obvious ones here.  I’ve mentioned at least one of these before, but we are all really thankful for the top three No Pass Rules at our place.

- Dad and Mom never walk past any of us without reaching out to give us a pet or a nose boink and we always appreciate the attention.

- Whenever one of us is on the bathroom brushing perch, which is anytime someone heads to the bathroom, Dad and Mom will always stop whatever they were doing and give us a nice brushing.

- Last, but not least, is litter box scooping.  With seven felines and multiple litter boxes, Dad or Mom will never pass a litter box that has been used without making sure it is cleaned out and ready for the next customer.

All seven of us are very thankful for such well trained humans!  Remember, adopt cats, we deserve it!!!!!  More Forever Homes More Often!  Purrrrr! Zip!  Later!


 Brians' Home Blog.

Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together.  Pop over say hello and make a new friend.

From the author Molly The Wally



  1. teeeheee...every creature deserves the attention of a pat on the head, back or a noise bonk!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello Mr. Cat! And a grand hello to the Divine Miz Molly and Miz Pip!

  2. We love Brian and all the good work he does :) Happy Sunday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. oh, that sounds like a very well loved bunch of felines~!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring me Molly, I am thrilled to be here with you!

  5. Always nice to meet new friends. Lee and Phod

  6. what a sweet kitty

    urban hounds

  7. Brian is a gentlecat. We love him and his sisters xx

  8. Hey Molly of course you know Brian is a real ladies' man too!!
    and oh so handsome in his fedora.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  9. Brian is all around and always great when humans keeps the litterbox clean

  10. We love popping over to see Brian and his ladies. He is such a handsome chap!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  11. You have very good mom and dad! Me-Ommmmmm

  12. Brian is a good friend and has a heart of gold.
    We heart him so very much.
    Katie & Glogirly

  13. Brian is beautiful! I really miss having a kitteh around the house.

  14. Nice to meet yous, we like your no pass rules!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Brian, it sure sounds like you have a most loving home and some super duper humans.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  16. Isn't Brian wonderful! That's a house full of lucky cats!

    Hap-Pee Sun-Day!

  17. Love Brian's blog. He has a wonderful family.
    Sue B

  18. Brian doesn't know it but he's the most handsome kitty in the CB and I have a mad crush on him. I dream about him all the time and wish he didn't have a girl friend.

  19. Brian and his cat family are pawsome!

  20. I am very impressed with how well trained your humans are - you should give lessons!

  21. Brian sent us over, what a fun blog you have! Looks like you enjoy being silly, that is also my specialty! Keep it up!

  22. Just noticed Molly from Snouts In The City. I find her so adorable! Following your blog as of now!

  23. Timmy Tomcat? or Tommy Timcat?

  24. oh God we were here yesterday and forgot to comment! We LOVE LOVE LOVE Brian and his entire FURMILY!!!

  25. That was a good re-post from Brian's Home. We're so glad Timmy nominated him. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. Those are great no pass rules! I need to teach them to my husband! Nice meeting you!
