Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Slog It Blog It, Far Out Car!

Molly The Wally!

A giant tennis ball, a huge burger or an over-sized toilet? These are in fact road legal cars handmade by an Indian inventor Sudhakar Yadav, from Hyderabad, India. He became hooked on his unusual hobby of building the bizarrely shaped cars during his school days, designing his first vehicle aged just 14. 

This should come with a health warning?

For those who can never have too many shoes!

One for The Crabby Girls!

For those of us who find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

Imagine seeing this one coming down the street?

Soccer anyone?

Not your bog standard run around?

Tennis anyone?

And of course foodables...!

My favourite!

Now that really are some for the wacky races.


  1. That's awesome! I need that bed car to commute to school and work. Catch some last minute winks at the red lights :)

  2. We think there might be some accidents if people suddenly saw a hamburger barreling down on them! What crazy fun.

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  3. Hmm....I'm speechless....which doesn't happen often (!)....I'm thinking this guy has WAY too much money and WAY too much time on his hands. HAHAHAHA (although my Dad kinda liked the toiletcar!).

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  4. The bed car !!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone complains they have to get up early and could do with an extra hour of sleep instead of driving to work - well this cures the problems - providing the car can drive itself :)

  5. My husband is a car guy but somehow I don't think he would want any of these. Lol

  6. Miz Molly, YOU TAKE ME PLACES I would never imagine on my own!!!!!!!!! I love the burger car too. Pass the ketchup!

  7. Those are great. The bed was the best. Just sleep til you get there!

  8. Great Molly as always, makes us laugh. Have a wonderful Tuesday xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. That toilet car so rocks! hugs, Francessca

  10. Hi Molly
    Mom says she'd need the giant tube of lipstick after she ate the giant hamburger.
    Great photos
    hugs madi your bfff

  11. Some of them, I don't know how they see to drive!

  12. For fun yes, for serious driving? HELL NO!!

  13. That is sure a lot of big goodies sweet Molly!

  14. I like the bed car. Hope the can invent a flying carpet. =)

  15. The burger mobile would be interesting to ride in!

  16. BWaa ahhaaa a toilet car!!!! To funny!
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  17. That pool table one looks especially interesting!

  18. The burger car is my favorite, too. Yummy!

  19. I love that loo car, my mom is a fan of the shoe (yeah surprise!). But I think the guy on the lipstick ride looks a litte ...hmmm.. special? I'm sure Sasha would love the veggie-car and the burger ride. have a great tuesday!

  20. Hahaha! We are curious how one drives the toilet, though...

  21. He's a genius! So cool thanks for sharing! Love Dolly

  22. Those look like they'd be good for parades. I wonder how fast they can go hehe :) I like the eggplant car the best I think. Or maybe the bed. It's hard to decide!

  23. I don't even chase cars...but I would chase those things! How fun would that be to catch a big tennis or soccer ball?!! BTW-love the baby pic on the previous post!

  24. A nice assortment but what kind of mileage??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. And I thought the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile was over the top!

  26. THOSE are some WHACKY Vehicles... We think we would rather have the Oskar Mayer WEINERmobile though...

  27. Hey Molly – us Beaglebratz here – them r sum kinda neat lookin’carz BUTT not shure we wood want tue go fer a car ride in any of them.
    Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

  28. I want the tennis ball car! How cool is that!

    Love ya lots♥

  29. But. . . how do they handle curves?
    Love Noodles

  30. Mum says a girl can never have too many shoes or bags!!

  31. I'd love to chase some of those balls around!

  32. Holy Dogs those are cool. If he had one like a squirrel, we could use it to sneak up on squirrels and then bash them!

    Loveys Sasha

  33. Hey Molly!
    Wow, these are really fun and crazy! OMC the crabby girls are all agog about that pool table and they want one to drive to their pool hall. POL I pawsonally like the burger one at the end. Do you suppose there are hamburgers inside there... I'm sure it would drive me to a burger stand anyway. Oh, these are really creative!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  34. Incredible! That eggplant one is a hoot.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  35. Those are super cool, Molly! We're not too crazy about the toilet on wheels, but most of these are awesome. Would love to take that eggplant for a spin. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  36. You look worried, hopefully just about the safety of those driving these wacky cars. :) Have a great day!

  37. I would like one of those giant balls to come rolling into my yard! They look like lotza fun!

  38. HAHAHAHHA So funny cars.. Xeti would love having one! And Molly's hair.. he can work as model!

  39. I *LOVE* these!!! The shoe and the bed are my favorites.

  40. Wow,
    I could chew that blue shoe all year!
    From Willow's Gabby Terrier

  41. I would like to see the reaction of other motorists!
