You know it’s serious when……
Hi Folks: You know your 4 legged is seriously ill when the VET makes a House Call!!! This happened tonight & here it is in Nylablue’s own words!
Yow Krazy Katz….so me waz lyin on da kitchen mat mindin me own buzyiness like diz:
Yow Krazy Katz….so me waz lyin on da kitchen mat mindin me own buzyiness like diz:
Mindin me own buzyeness
Me doin evil earz at Dr. Dave n Mum
Me iz ignorin da Pawpawrazzi in me house..
Baytril shot fer any secondery infeckshun he finkz iz in da bowelz….he iz really a guud Hu’man even if me don’t like him on purrinciple for bein a Vet!!! Now me haz to tell ya all diz Baytril iz makin me feel ber peeculear!! Me eyez are all big n me can hear da fleaz fartin down da Hall. Mum took me out in da condo but after 5 minutez me had to come in. It is still bery stuffy out frum da heat so me iz ok wif bein inside. Me finkz me gonna try sum suppa now…me iz fightin diz wif all me strength as me nose how much ya all LUB me n me LUBZ all of me 2 n 4 legged furendz here n on Facebook n me Hu’manz who nose me here in town!! Me will do me best to get thru diz n not leave ya all!!! Lub n ~~head rubz~~Nylablue.
Sherri-Ellen here: Dr. Dave gave Nylablue a 50/50 chance of pulling thru this episode. I am hoping for the best knowing the worst could happen & I have to be strong for Nylablue either way!!! Thank you for being here for us…your support & concern & love for Nylablue is heartwarming & wonderful!!! Until tomorrow…
Continuing to give something back on my ‘Share It Sunday’. We all share and we grow together. Pop over say hello and make a new friend.
From the author Molly The Wally.
I'm glad that Nlyablue got much better,xxSpeedy
ReplyDeleteI am killing myself larfing over hearing "da fleaz fartin down da Hall" But am very sad at Nylablue being so poorly! :( Sending gentle purrs xox
ReplyDeleteI am SO grateful that vets have a BIG heart of gold to make house calls! I would be in panic mode if my four-legged creature were in distress during the night or weekend! Nyla, chunky kitty, you are beautiful. And to Miz Molly and PIP, hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I sure hope that Nylablue gets better soon and we are sending our best purrs and prayers that way.
ReplyDeleteI hope nylablue gets better really soon. Yikes, vets doing house calls? Oh meow!
ReplyDeleteWe are sending Purrrrrayers fur Nylablue...
ReplyDeleteHope the Flea Fartin doesn't hamper the recovery.
Sending Nylablue Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts and Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteWe're not sure about havin' the vet come to the house. He would have to be frisked at the door and leave all needles and thermometers (especially thermometers) outside.
ReplyDeleteSending purrrs to Neylablue
hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles
Oh my I do hope you are feeling purr-fect very soon !
ReplyDeleteLove your accent very a MEW zing ... in the nicest way !
What a brave kitty Nylablue is!! hugs and purrs from Madi and Mom
ReplyDeleteGet well soon Nylablue.
Oh my Dog, hope the vet never comes to torture us in our own home.
ReplyDeleteSo glad Nylablue is feeling better now!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Hello everyone: Sherri-Ellen from the Purrfect Pad here!! I want to thank MollytheWalley for featuring us today & to let you know Nylablue pulled thru that awful episode.
ReplyDeleteShe has chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease & FHV (Herpes Virus) so things can go haywire pretty quickly! ;)
Nylablue is stable now & back to being 'bossy n saucy' & we wouldn't have it any other way!!!
We wlecome visitors to the Purrfect Pad....there is always something going on there!!!
Sincerely, Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too.
I hope Nylablue gets better soon!
ReplyDeleteGet better soon Nylablue x
ReplyDeleteWe are glad to know that Nylablue pulled through this and is doing better! Lee and Phod
ReplyDeleteWe are glad to see the comment above that Nylablue is stable!! Molly, we just have to say that we think you are the sweetest ever. Always so nice and thoughtful!
ReplyDeleteYour Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Me and brofur Ku love Nylablue! Me-Ommmmmmm
ReplyDeleteAustin, I'm laffin too'z but wez so pawleazed Nylablue is feeling better. xxooxxx
ReplyDeleteMollie and Alfie
Oh dat poor poor kitty. Mean Mama...Mean vet!
ReplyDeleteOMD!!! Vets can actually COME to your HOUSE??? Is nowhere safe?
ReplyDeleteXXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy
Your vet at your place? OMC! I hope it doesn't happen here ever!
ReplyDeleteBe strong Nylablue! I'll keep sending you purrs.
Get super duper better, Nylablue. We know vet visits are always bad news.
ReplyDeleteI had a hard time understanding, but I hope kitty is better!
ReplyDeleteJust love Nylablue. And so glad she's much better now xx