Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Dog House Blog, On Woeful Wednesday!

Molly The Wally Is No Dunce!

Last week I was out on the park for a lark, terrorizing my territories and attempting to dead some pesky tree rats when disaster was only narrowly avoided. Yes a calamity nearly befell me and my servant peeps says in my case D is not for disaster more D is for dunce. I partook in some pawsome stalking and then had a few chases. It was after a bit of this, that I undertook my most dangerous mission to date. I spied the little bushy tail from afar and stalked my way into a good position. I limbered up and steadied myself and put my paw up ready to run and pounce. I ran as fast a bolt of lightning, the wind flowing through my furs. The vile varmint ran up a tree in the middle of a thicket. My emergency brake failed and I sprained my paw and ploughed straight into the trunk head first. I saw evil squirrels I can tell you and my poor paw was sprained. Do you think the fool human even worried about me? Do you think she offered to carry me home? No I was made to sit down while she pretended to administer first aid. So I milked it for all it was worth. I limped and shook my head all the way home. A few treats later and a bit of a cuddle I have say who is the dunce now. Never fails. My paw was OK, my head fine but I played on it all afternoon. D is for diva, D is for devious  but never dunce when it comes to Molly The Wally The Squirrel Serial Killer. I would be a legend in my own lunchtime, if ever I got fed??????

Molly The Wally Evil Squirrels

Have a wonderful Wednesday and be careful you don't want to have a sport injury like me.


  1. Doggy emergency brakes are like squirrels: you just can't trust them!

  2. are indeed a mistress of " milking it for all it is worth"

  3. Oh Molly you are indeed a Wally for not deploying your emergency brake, I'm sorry to hear that you ewnded up with a sprained paw and went head first into a tree while the evil squirrels laughed at you and maybe thrwe a few nuts on your head for spite! I'm glad that you were able to milk it all day and your Pawrents made a big fuss, I guess your not much of a Wally after all! Lovce and Licks from your furiend Frank xxxxxx

  4. Bawahwhhahwha we can just see you running 100 mph after those pesky Squirrels. We are glad that you are OK now, and great move milking it all afternoon :) xxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Molly
    Bushy tailed tree rats....are terrorist!! WTG playing up the injury...simply genius!!!
    hugs madi your bfff
    PS if any one calls you a cone head today let me know I whip'em

  6. Oooooo Miz Molly! You make the most adorable dunce; look at those slits for know you are guilty of OVER-ABUNDANCE OF CUTE! also are guilty of putting your, uhm, your peep through a lot of worry! Pace yourself love, pace yourself. There are plenty of tree rats to be had. LOVE! Anita

  7. I am afraid to say it but I think he tree rat got the best of you and are laughing.

  8. I'm glad your paw is ok... but no tree rats in you dip net, that's bad :o) Think for this I would need a drink (or the whole bottle) too. Have a great wednesday!

  9. Well played, Molly. I do think your servant should have carried you though.

  10. Bol...I can just see that. Glad you are OK though.

  11. Oh Molly at first we thoughts your post was gonna be about our dad cos you know he practically lives in the DOG HOUSE. We have a picture tomorrow just for you so be on the lookout for it. We are glad tho you are okay, just keep pretending you aren't and makes them people feel real guilty for not carrying you home.
    stella rose, mags and gussie

  12. Oh Molly you poor thing, my emergency brake isn't so good either, I'm always scraping my elbows. Hope you got loads of treats for that.

  13. Oh no Molly! BOL, sorry to laugh but that is just a little funny. At least you got some extra attention and treats and glad you're OK.

  14. Yikes Molly, ya gotta watch them evil squirrels, they will put trees where you least expect them!

  15. I'da loved to see that! Glad you're ok! Hope you didn't hurt the tree!

  16. Whether it was pretending to be hurt or not... we're glad you're okay, dear Molly. Next time, make sure to wear those super boots so you don't hurt your paw.

  17. OMD OMD MOLLY you POOR THINGY... THIS is just terrible... well NOT the pawt about Milkin it fur all it was worth... BUTT the pawt where your brakes Failed and you hit the Tree and the tree rat escaped and your paw got sprained and your head hurt and you saw IMAGINARY tree rats...
    Maybe you should start to wear a CRASH HELMET when you go on your walkies... JUST in Case.
    LOVE the DUNCE HAT Picture .. even though you did NOT deserve it.

  18. You made me smile. Squirrels aren't playmates, that's for sure. Take care of your injury! Have a wonderful day! Hugs from Nikki, Freddy and Buddy

  19. Wow, Molly you did a super job! Terrified the tree rat and got to milk the peeps for extra attention and treats! Pawesome. OMD sounds like you were nearly successful at nabbing that tree rat and I bet he was scared turdless! BWAR HAR HAR
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  20. Awww, glad you're ok. Gotta watch out for those big tree trunks!
    Your pals,
    Diane and Rocco

  21. oh, molly! glad you were okay.

  22. We are glad you are fine. But we do see those squirrels running around your head and want to be sure you don't have any after affects??

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Molly I bet you scared your mom to death she just doesn't want you to know it! Glad you were ok hope you get the next one! Love Dolly

  24. Ooops never mind Molly we've all crashed into trees,me included,xx Speedy

  25. Putting a dunce cap on that poor head after you suffered a concussion, why what was she thinking adding insult to injury.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  26. Yikes! We're glad your paw is fine as is your head. At least you got lots of treats and cuddles!

  27. You should be able to get at least another couple of days attention and treats.
    Hope the poor noggin is better soon.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  28. Don't you just hate those pesky tree rats? Glad you're ok though, Molly!

  29. Squirrels are so rotten! Some day I will teach them all a lesson!

  30. Glad you're okay, Molly! And by the way, your cone head is quite attractive.

  31. Extra showed her.

    Hope that squirrel wasn't up the tree laughin' at you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  32. But did you get to bring home a squirrel?

  33. Oh Molly what D for delightful glad you are okay after your epic effort of rampaging for beasties!! It does worry the peeps(suckers) when you pups go for a tumble...You must have gone to the Forrest.T.S.Green school of hamming it's the school next door to the one of Subtle hints ;) rest up and no more visions of sugar plums/squirrels dancing in your head! hugs Fozziemum xx

  34. Those squirrels are always to blame for everything!!! We have heard that after recovery from sport injuries you come back stronger than ever. So you will get those squirrels, Molly. And please do because each time one of our canines goes after one, it seems to be a human that gets injured....

  35. Oh Molly!!! You are a diva for sure! Those pesky squirrels have a lot to answer for!! MOL

  36. OOooh, the Classic "Fake a Sports Injury" routine! SCORE!!!

  37. Those squirrels are pure evil! We thank you for your never-ending dedication to eradicating of all squirrel-kind. (Riley nearly did the same thing you did, just the other day! Her "emergency brake" failed her as well and she crashed into a tree, but all was well. Unfortunately, the squirrel got away). There really isn't anything else that drives dogs (well, Riley, at least) quite as bonkers as seeing a squirrel!

    Riley just hates it when I pretend to administer first aid to her, as well. (Probably because I am about as knowledgeable about what I'm doing as your human is! Haha!).

    Hope you're having a great week, despite the sports injury...but keep on milking it for what it's worth! ;)

    Elyse and Riley

  38. Oh those bushy tailed guys are always hard to find, Kirby is constantly trying tofind them as well!

  39. We are sorry to hear about your injury and even more sorry that you didn't catch the bad thing. good manipulating your people . . . . Lee and Phod

  40. BOL I bet you gave that squirrel a run for it's money and of course the D stands for Diva.

    Aroo to you,

  41. Glad all is well - but just to be safe I'd insist on a few more days of cuddles :)

  42. I can't believe that the tree did that too you!! Keep milking it for those treats pal!

  43. Molly you POOR THING!!! We cannot believe your peep didn't carry you home...the inhumanity of it all!! We are glad to hear that you are ok...and that you milked it.
    Wally & Sammy

  44. Oh Molly

    I'm glad to hear you were ok buddy, that's quite a crash you had with the tree!! I'm sure you'd be even more nimble if you got more food!! :) Glad to hear you pulled out your Diva skills and were able to replenish all that energy you used up!!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  45. Game well played Molly! I would have done the exact same thing if I where you! lol!

  46. Those squirrels are evil. Could have happened to anyone. Glad you were OK.

  47. Oh man Molly! Why wouldn't she carry you home? I hope she made up for it with lots of treats!
