Sunday, 27 October 2013

Share It Sunday, Misaki!

Nominated by last weeks' guest blogger Fozzie M!
Sock Monkey’s emergency surgery!
Poor Sock Monkey is having a hard time of it, he’s been suffering from stress and has lost most of his stuffing. I’ve been very worried about him. 

As meanie mummy still has loads of work to do, she was content to let him slowly fade away. But luckily Daddy stepped up to the mark and performed emergency surgery.

I’m so happy that Sock Monkey is going to survive – thank you Daddy! Sock monkey and I had a nice cuddle to celebrate:-)

And I checked out his stitches just to make sure they were going to hold up.

I’ve decided to promote daddy to head surgeon in my stuffie A&E!

Have any of your stuffies had surgery lately??

Continuing to give something back on my 'Share It Sunday'. We all share and we grow together. Pop over and say hello and make a new friend.

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. I can see you have proper health care, top surgeons in their field, and a happy and healed patient! Now just go easy on Sock Monkey! teehehehehehehheheheheh

    HEY MIZ M.! Thank you precious friends for swimming over the great pond to read my poetry. LOve. Anita

  2. Hehehehe this post makes me giggle every time I read it,xx Speedy

  3. No stuffy surgeries here, but lots of stuffing flying about. This is not a home for soft toys... Glad to hear Sock Monkey will survive!

  4. We do the same to our stuffs Misaki. Have a great Sunday Molly. Lee and Phod

  5. Well, once ours are deaded, trust me, they are deaded, no fixin up.

    The Mad Scots

  6. Interesting position for destuffing, Misaki . Seems that socks are very popular, huh? Have a super sunday!

  7. Oh Oh! Misak :-) Mmmm I don;t have a sock monkey toy? Have a great Sunday, Molly. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. stuffies don't survive in our house. i've tried short bursts of play, followed by emergency surgeries. i just gave up... :)

  9. My dogs are surprisingly gentle with stuffies.

  10. WTG Misaki playing bitey face with the defenseless sock monkey
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  11. Your daddy is a wonderful surgeon, and I know that sock monkey feels much better now!

  12. we must admit Mom does emergency surgery on Denny's stuffies nearly ever day

  13. Our stuffies are in such bad shape mom can no longer tell what they started out to be!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Now with my little sister Bailie around, there will be lots of upcoming surgery at my house!

  15. Your monkey was leaking...bwahaahaa!

    Most of our stuffies are beyond surgery.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  16. Oh! Our sock Money has losted his stuffing too - our hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon has eated his! Does your Daddy has a sock monkey hospital?
    Good to sees yous on Molly's blog Misaki!


  17. Looks like the sock monkey had hernia surgery.

    Aroo to you,

  18. No sadly, I don't leave enough of mine left to put back together. Guess that's why I don't get them any more. Good work dad! Love Dolly

  19. Misaki makes me cringe everytime..poor sock monkey..thank goodness daddy has access to all the right medical things to fix him :) thanks Molly for sharing Misakis monkey antics :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  20. Good for daddy, that's all I can say, Misaki!!! We like your share it Sundays, Molly :)))

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. We just love misaki
    Urban hounds

  23. Elka has gone through a couple of sock monkeys. She loves them just a little too hard!

  24. He needs to go see the ER nurse

  25. Ooops, that looks rather painful!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  26. Thanks so much for featuring me!! Would've been over sooner but mummy's still recovering from our meet up with Mollie yesterday BOL

  27. We have a couple of toys that are awaiting surgery also. We hope they get better soon so we can rip them apart again!

    Kiki and Nala

  28. Thanks for featuring my sweet girldawg Misaki...she's the prettiest gurl in all of Blogville and I'm so lucky to be her boyfriend...

  29. I'm so happy that Misaki's sock monkey friend survived! I agree Misaki's dad is a good doctor! Hugs, Francesca
