Friday, 18 October 2013

Slog It, Blog It, Feathery Fryday!

Molly The Wally Does A Spot Knitting!
With the nights getting longer and the weather getting cooler for some of us the Fall and Winter months are a dreaded time of year. No more so than for some chilly chickens who really don't fare well in the fowl weather. Unable to stay cooped up all day one British couple brooded on the problem until they hatched up an idea. They decided to have sweaters made for their ex battery chucks. While most chickens are kept warm by a covering of snug feathers, battery hens often end up bald due to the cramped conditions they are kept in. They will soon fatten up and regain their feathers with the right care, but while they are waiting for them to grown back they can keep warm with their own knitted jumpers. Was that knit one, cluck one then? So here are some feathery friends strutting about in their sweaters.

Have a fabulous Fryday!


  1. I cannot tell you how lovely I think that is!
    Lynne x

  2. We have heard of dressing a chicken before.....just not in wool.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Oh my! This is wonderful!! How cute! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  4. teeeeehhhheeeeeee....NOW I've seen everything. You know Miz Molly, out here in the winter, our pooches wear BOOTS! YES! I've seen it with my own eyes!

  5. That second picture made Mommy burst out laughing! Too cute!

  6. This is the CUTEST thing ever!!

  7. Hee hee, What ever works I suppose.

  8. I have a question: shall I remove the jumper before I.... or not? I've heard about pigs in blankets but never about chicks in jumpers... Have a funny friday, Molly!

  9. Oh My SUPER SUPER cute. I have to show this to Flea (do you know her?). Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. Those sure are some fancy feathers. Thanks for the well wishes Molly.

  11. Oh that is so cute . Have a super day Molly xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  12. ha ha. now, i've seen folks use chicken saddles to help protect the hens' backs from nasty rooster spurs when they breed.

  13. I have never before seen a chicken wearin' a sweater. Never. Not ever. NEAT!


  14. The pic with the three chicks with their sweaters on? That looks like muscled up gym men!

  15. Oh toasty.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  16. My Mom use to knit sweaters for rescued cockatoos - they tend to pluck their feathers when stressed and would end up almost bald !

  17. Dog sweaters, cat sweaters...but chicken sweaters?!? Good grief. What will the humans come up with next, Molly?
    Have a terrierific weekend, my girl.

  18. Too clucking cute !!
    I shall now need to crochet 27 of them .

  19. I just love this. Brilliant. Hugs GJ x

  20. Molly this is pretty funny..I hope mom doesn't start crocheting for hens
    Hugs madi your bfff

  21. Oh heavens...that is too much! Knitting a sweater for a chicken! LOL!

  22. my Mom wants to know how you got a photo of her up there :)

  23. Seriously? Our mom says she's seen it all now. To us that means she gets to start all over from the beginning to see it all over again! Purrs...

  24. Molly....
    I love, love, love the puns in this post!! --Crack-- Me. Up!! ;op

  25. Hysterical. What will they think of next. (BTW, no worries re: your comment on my blog. I know everyone's busy! And I don't mind spreading the reviews out, so it's really no worry if you can't get to the book for a while!) Have a great weekend!

  26. These are some very well dressed chickens!!

    Your pal, Pip

  27. When I was a youngster we had a chicken farm with thousands of birds...I can only imagine what my Dad would have said if he saw these photos...Too Too funny! Have you ever watched the BBC series "Cranford"? This reminds me of the cow that fell in the lime fit and had to wear long underwear...For Sunday I would use today's post cause I love the video of Gizmo on the kayak And thank you again for including me!

  28. We have never seen better dressed chickens. Mom says the best dressed chickens have stuffing in them. Does that make sense?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  29. OMG, how cool is this! Our mom is getting the idea to knit for our duckies! haha

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  30. LOL that is hilarious!

    We also nominated you for an award, Molly!

  31. Happy Fryday to you too! chickens look so silly dressed up, we are laughing to hard to want to chase them. Lee and Phod

  32. BOL the 3 chickens with the wife beaters on look like they're on steroids.

    Aroo to you,

  33. I'm laughing over scotsmad's comment.

  34. As we were reading we thought it was going to be something really weird but the chicken actually looks pretty good in her sweater. You look pretty warm and cozy too Molly.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  35. I love chickens! I saw that first photo last year I think and I really like that crocheted chicken cape. Too cute. The others look a little small lol. If I had chickens, I'd totally get them a sweater!

  36. Funny and sweet!

  37. hahahaha not that is funny,xx Rachel

  38. Flea with Dog Treat Web for Jones Natural Chews will absolutely love these! :D

  39. Brilliant, my kinda people!!

  40. Oh my goodness, it's brilliant!! I've seen that done for Penguins before. LOVED all the puns my friend. By the way, I am now your 267th follower here on Blogspot. I realized I never actually followed your blog I guess you are following mine too. Also, I am adding you to my blog list of furriends. I love your list of friends with photos, how awesome. I might have to do a similar thing. Great way to see a face with the name. Hugs!! ~ Pixel
