Wednesday 4 December 2013

Dog House Blog, Woeful Waspy Wednesday!

In my never ending quest to dead some pesky tree rats I have been doing a lot of this.

High up I get a good view of my territories which I love to terrorize.

Now this tree has been fenced off since Summer as it has a wasps nest in it. The squirrels like it here as none of us can get to them.

The fences are tied together so no one can remove them.

It may be a small gap butt where there is a will there is a way.

And once inside my own private Alcatraz I thought I'd go climb up the tree after those pesky tree rats.

I got all the way up here. Hmmm problem was the pesky tree rats ran away and I was stuck in Alcatraz. After tem minutes and a huge audience a nice man came to my rescue. He leaned over and pulled all 17kilos of pure hunting muscle over the fence. No actual pix of the great event as She Who Must Be Obeyed Ignored was running around like a headless chicken squirrel in panic mode.

I was free and feeling fine......pity I can't say the same for his back. Enough of Waspgate. Did I feel guilty?????? Not on your nelly as yesterday had an epic roll in dead pigeon carcass and that was some brilliant lot of stinky goodness. Got sprayed with horrid perfume (stinky badness) stuff for my troubles. Ho hum the trails and tribulations of park life.

Well tomorrow is another day.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all.

Christmas Card Tally

Peeps miserable lonely 1
Me 16

Thank you OP Pack.

We received this award from the wonderful Clowies Corner and we say a big thank you. We will pop it on our awards page with pride.


  1. Bawahhahahhwhahaw nice one Molly causing HAVOC in the park..and the Pigeon poo, nice touch to the end of the day Bawahhhahahhaa xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Awww. LOL. Molly. We would've wanted to see that! I bet the Ignorant one was looking pretty hilarious.

    Glad you are safe. Be sure to thank the man for us.

  3. Oh Miz Molly, it's in your nature to chase tree rats! When will the peeps get that? tehehehehehehehehe

  4. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMD...OMD...Molly you is hysterical! I is just glad your park has trees withs tree rats in them...I has no trees no more therefore, I has no tree rats.
    When it comes to d great hunt, there is no way to hold a mighty hunter back...even a fence.
    I wished you had a pikture of your mom runnin' around...hehehehe.


  5. Now that is the way to spend time at the park...especially getting to roll on the dead pigeon ....what bliss

  6. Just dropping in (CRASH) to say hello! You really climbed that fence, WOW! You are a regular superhero, Molly! Tell Pip I said hello AND be sure you all stop by my place today!

    Your pal, Angel Pip

  7. Oh Molly! A squirrel isn't worth getting stuck in Alcatraz!
    You deserve the award.

  8. You are amazing Molly :) true gimnast :P

    Welcome to my blog

  9. No fence will keep the great Molly from her calling to rid the park and possibly the world of the tree rats. You are the mighty brave hunter for sure. Pfffft to the wasps, I bet they fled as well when they saw you climb the fence.

  10. Keep you away from the if! Great work, Molly.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

    Too bad the pigeon scent was appreciated.

  11. i've never seen squirrels at my park.
    have a nice day, Molly!
    Woof, woof,


  12. Molly! You're an excellent tree climber. I didn't know.

  13. Oh good job!! You were so close, and getting in the fence...first rate.

  14. Oh wesa didn't know you have a little Alcatraz also like ours, and ours has all kinds of tree rats running free in it cos member our dad feeds them. he is crazy.
    stella rose

  15. Wow, another amazing adventure! Love the "epic roll in dead pigeon carcass." LOL.

  16. So that's why that tree was fenced.

  17. just laughing at you, molly! my dogs would have certainly done the same thing! except they'd have chewed off half the bark from the tree and certainly awoken the wasps, too.

  18. Oh, EXCELLENT work, Molly! You have great skills. Love that you shared your new eau de cologne with your new friend, too. :)

  19. I hope the tree rat hasn't seen you "alcatrazzed". At least you had a super spa treatment and a new perfume: La rat de ciel pourri. could be a bestseller for christmas.

  20. Molly, deading tree rats is no easy business. I give you double-high-paws for your efforts. Too bad the tree was protected better than Alcatraz, hindering your escape. The good man who pulled you out will have a forever reminder of his heroism...his back pain. BOL
    Happy Wednesday.

  21. Wow Molly, you are a great tree climber! and brave to risk the wasps in order to hunt down those pesky tree rats! And a good roll in something stinky, pawsome!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  22. Oh Molly, you'll get those squirrels! Me-Ommmmmm

  23. The life of a huntress is a difficult one. Glad to know nothing holds you back.

    BTW, you definitely need to buy She Who Must Be Ignored a go pro to mount on her head so we don't miss out on all your fun adventures. :)

  24. oh my that is sad! the squirrels must be having a party though

    retro rover

  25. What a grand adventure! You should do that more often! Great recap! Purrs...

  26. Way to go Molly...I think you should get a job at that park...making tree rats go way is a public service!

  27. We're glad to hear you weren't stung by the wasps!

    Millie & Walter

  28. Did the tree rats put up the fence? Make sure it's not electric

  29. Great pics, wish there was one of you in the tree!

  30. Sorry you didn't get your tree rats.

  31. You most certainly know how to have fun at the park, Molly! It's a pity you didn't get the tree rat after all your troubles but the pigeon carcass most certainly made up for it. :)

  32. Ewwwww - perfume! Hope it didn't ruin the stench of decay. How inconsiderate of those stupid wasps to make a nest in your tree, with any luck they will chase all the squirrels into your path, hehehe.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  33. Congratulations on your award. You are one gorgeous dog.

  34. OMD WHAT a MAJOR adventure THAT was... CONGRATULATIONS on the BLOGGER of the YEAR Award...

  35. Us dogs need to band together to conquer those squirrels once and for all!

  36. Haha, sounds like you gave your mother quite a scare! Uh Oh! Congrats on Blog of the Year, what a wonderful honor!

  37. Congrats on your award! Did your mom tell you thank-you? I think it's time to take that fence down and kill off those wasps!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  38. Well how about that winter is here the fence come down and they let you do your squirrel hunting!

    The Mad Scots

  39. Wow, much as I love to bash a tree rat, I don't think I'd brave the wasps! OMD. Gee I bet you smelled wonderful after your carcass-roll. I never understand why the peeps don't appreciate that smell. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  40. Nothing can keep you from getting to those pesky tree rats, Molly!

    And congrats on your pawsome award!

  41. Congrats on your award! Well deserved!

    What a tale! Man, you've had some adventures at the park! An escape into/out of Alcatraz, tree-rat hunting, AND a dead-carcass! Wow! (Love this line - "all 17kilos of pure hunting muscle". You're so funny, I mean, so FIT, Molly!)

  42. Molly you deserve that award and many more for your valiant effort at trying to rid your park of tree rats. Nothing will stop Molly in her quest!!!

    Loveys Sasha

  43. Molly, your braveries truly knows no end. I's glad to knows that you has been doing lots of brave things while I is gone! I salute you and your tree-rat-deading efforts.


  44. Molly you really are a beautiful dog ...stinky or not !

  45. We are so proud of you, Molly - did you make the nightly news too? BOL - too bad you didn't get a squirrel too.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  46. Wow Molly that sounds like quite the adventure! I am glad that Shiner never got into that beehive before we had it removed. Our killer bees are gone now thankfully!

  47. Good job at trying to get the squirrels. Why can't our peeps just let us bask in the aroma in the smell of something deaded.....they just don't get it; humans.

    Aroo to you,

  48. Haha, great mischief Molly!

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  49. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Wow, you can climb! Yet another talent! Next time I'm sure you'll get those tree rats!

  50. Who knew a scholar like yourself could get into so much mischief! I would have loved to see your Human in a panic.

    Talk about determination to get those dan tree rats.

  51. Oh my...we had NO idea you were SO adventurous Miss Molly - HIGH FIVE PAW, especially for the roll in the dead pigeon *BOL*
    Wally & Sammy

  52. Molly-no fence can keep you from your mission. squirrels must die.
    I have noticed we have several squirrel ornaments on our Christmas tree this year....those will have to die too, just waiting for some time, home alone.

  53. What fun - bet those tree rats were quaking in their boots... some tree rats have been lurking to pounce on my bird feeder trap and I have been lying in wait, I share your mission, Molly, rid the world of tree rats. Ambercat.

  54. Wow that's quite the climb, well done you!!

  55. Holy CAT! Uh, we're sure it was all pure muscle, Molly. So glad you had someone help you with your prison break!

  56. That sure was quite the adventure. Sorry about getting sprayed with the stinky stuff (I don't like it either)!

  57. Molly that was some trip to the alcatraz ! you want to be careful you don't get stuck in there one would you get to roll in the pigeon poop if you were in solitary confinement :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  58. LOL Molly that is some crazy mischief. Good for you!
