Saturday 25 January 2014

Flog It Blog It, Vintage Social Saturday!


Can you BELIEVE what this maid did on stereogram? Click LIKE to see full uncensored, slightly-weird perspective pics or this one, curious corset tip will cinch your waist no thicker than a tin of snuff! The new Twitter account Hashtag #VictorianFacebook Is hilarious. Open to all with a sense of humour and plays with social media as if it was around way back when.


Others include......
Sorry to hear about Albert dying Vicky. U ok hun??

Cripsin is now betrothed. But it is complicated, and likely to require a duel to resolve.

She's been showing her ankle and batting her eyelashes at my gentleman friend again but I don't want to talk about it.

Last night I imbibed three sherries and became light headed. The ensuing hilarity has caused me to laugh quite audibly.

I've just commissioned my portrait artist to paint a 'selfie'.

40 Retweets 35 favorites To follow or just stop by for a laugh Victorian Facebook can be found here.

Have a super social Saturday all.


  1. BOL, looks like pretty funny stuff!

  2. As if YOUR vintage portrait wasn't enough to make me laugh, all I have to do is scroll down you wit and mind and find MORE FUN! Oh Miz Molly, you are something else.....I must go visit this Victorian madness! teehehehehehehheeh

    Thank you precious friends, for visiting.

  3. OH MY.... those must have been WILD times!!!

  4. That just shows that humor doesn't have an expiration date!

  5. Baaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhh you always find things to make us chuckle

  6. HOW do you find these treasures? So funny! Love your bonnet Molly.

  7. 6 miles per hour? uh oh they caught my mom in the elephant skater BOL! I will visit this site immediately. Thanks for sharing, Molly! Have a super funny saturday!

  8. Oh Molly, this sounds hilarious! I need to go check it out!
    Happy Saturday, my girl!

  9. pretty cute - or shall i say, quaint?

  10. Six miles per hour. Ha roo roo roo!!!!!!!! I can ZOOM way faster than that! I wonder if my mom should use those lanterns?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. Hehehe love saturdays with you Molly,xx Speedy

  12. Hahaha, oh goodness, can you imagine if Victorians really did have twitter back then? BOL!
    Thanks for sharing Molly!
    Pippa :)

  13. Oh I have stepped into the wrong time zone, though I do like todays photo in the sepia configuration. The bonnet is quite fetching Molly.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. Sounds like a hoot. We saw one once that said, "Abraham Lincoln is going to the theatre." John Wilkes Booth likes this.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  15. Molly OMDs you look most gorgeous in serpa!!! Mom says you look like Audrey Hepburn....
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  16. Oh molly! You are hilarious. Only you can pull off that look. And it looks so dashing in Sepia tone too! Happy Sepia Saturday!

  17. You look wonderful in everything!! We will check this FB out!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  18. At first glance I thought you were Mary Lincoln

  19. Sounds like fun, we will go check it out too!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  20. Oh Molly, you are ravishing in your new bonnet.
    Those are funny, we're on our way to see more.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  21. Oh giggle me timbers ~ Vintage is all the rage !

  22. Oh bless me I think I am having an attack of the 'vapours' from such joviality...pass me the smelling salts quickly before I swoon....................bwahahhah hugs Fozziemum xxx

  23. Talk about blast from the past!

  24. Lol... the things people come up with!

  25. BOL!!! Mom is off to find and "follow"!
    Wally & Sammy

  26. Those are hysterical. but that link took me to a page not found. :(

  27. Nothing beats the sepia semi-victorian queen-elizabethan style you are wearing at the moment.
