Monday 6 January 2014

Mischief Monday, Nearly Had It Made, Bin Raid!

Nearly Had It Made, Bin Raid! A Tail Of The Bone Of Contention!

It started with....... 

They ate it all without me........ 

They chucked the bone here........ 

Cruel and unusual usual torture.........

I thought I had it made........a bin raid...........

She who must be obeyed ignored caught me red pawed........

It was the sin bin for both me and the bone........... Re-enacted by my Mini Me as the bone of contention was the bone and it was binned in Fort Knox aka the big bin.

Drats I could not blame it on the squirrels.........??????? Told you this was the nearest I would come to being angelic in 2014. Starting off the new year with a bang!!!!!!

Mini Me by 2chihuahuagirls

Have a marvellous Monday all.

For more Mini Me here


  1. OMD! They PUT a perfectly good ham bone.....with some ham still on it in the bin?!!! Isn't there some sort of law about that? There should be. That's much WORSE than raiding the bin in our opinion!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. I'm with you. What were those humans thinking?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fort Knox bins should be banned anyway...
    Toodle pip!

  4. Being angelic starts in the mind, Molly ;-) Have a lovely Monday.

  5. Wez back Molly after our holiday, loads of catching up'z to do..That bone looks so yummy, I am drooling. Have a super Monday and the weather is so crap BOL xxxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Seriously...she threw that Bone away without letting you nosh on it?

  7. Have a Marvelous Monday Molly!

  8. I could help you break into the big bin. My MOM makes a pretty good soup with bones like that. Then she roast up the bone real good for me.

  9. MOL MOL MOL Mini Molly Great reenactment. Bravo on a well carried out raid!!!
    Hey Molly my peeps at their Christmas ham in front of me. I rec'd exactly 3 pieces (I counted). Each piece was the size of your toenail and before I got it mom cut off the fat and rinsed it off because evidently she wanted ti to be tasteless
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. Oh dear. The trick is to raid the bin when the humans are napping or out. Better luck next time.

  11. Well it wouldn't be the same if you changed, now would it?

  12. Dang, that could have been some yummy fun!

  13. We're sure it was worth it to rescue that ham bone from the bin.

  14. Love your halo pal! hehe!
    Happy Mischievous New Year!
    Your pals,
    Diane and Rocco

  15. That's the way to do it, knock over those cans! They don't stand a chance and it's always worth a try!

  16. WHAT??????? They didn't cook BEANS with that ham bone??? And then they chucked it in the BIN? WHY????? Why did they not give it to YOU... THAT is all totally ALL wrong.
    That was a Rousing Reenactment of the HORROR...

  17. OOOOHH..Molly! You's been banned from bin raiding...and it only be da furst week of January!


  18. We nevers get bones, nevers, and I don't understand it cos I see pictures all the times of four leggers eating really good looking bones, I finks our mom is just stupid about stuff like that sometimes.
    Gussie has learned where the trash can is and he is the only one tall enuf to snoop in it for us. So far, he hasn't learned to knock it overs, we are working on that manuover next.
    Stella Rose

  19. Molly, I will send you my MC Weim-trashcan, so you can blame it always on the automatic flap. Have a super Monday, how sad that the bone is in Fort Knox now

  20. You get an A for effort! No self respecting dog could let that potential score go by un-attempted!

  21. That's my girl...keep up the good work and keeping faithful to the feathery and whimsy of that halo!!!!!!!!!! I love ya Miz Molly.

  22. What, no ham bone at all? That doesn't seem fair, not one bit. Our human's childhood dog always got the leftover ham and roast beef (well, it was moose meat) bones!

  23. We'll you had to try! Being angelic is way over rated!!

  24. We cannot believe they decided to throw that wonderful bone away! What is wrong with them???

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  25. Dang-nabbit, Molly! You almost had that delicious bone all to yourself. How she who must be ignored found out is a mystery. Does she have eyes on the back of her head?!? Maybe next time...
    *high paws*

  26. Poor Molly, I find it equally annoying when my peeps have fish and wont let me pick the bones, peeps are stupid.

  27. Devil gets more smiles ;-)

  28. Cruel and unusual punishment. How could they tempt you like that?

  29. That's just cruel! They should have let you gnaw at that delicious bone before sending it off to Fort Knox.

  30. We don't get real bones either, it's just not right!
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  31. Brilliant re-enactment mini Molly. How could her who should be ignored/obeyed throw away a perfectly good bone!
    Dip and Elliot x

  32. We now say we thought it was a puzzle. Blame everything on that! Lee and Phod

  33. What no ham! That is inexcusable! Raid the garbage, raid the cupboards, raid the closets...find something and get even!

  34. Uh oh! Shiner likes to raid the bin from time to time. Especially if there are bones in there. Our dog when I was a kid once raided it for our Thanksgiving turkey carcass and stored it under my bed.

  35. In your paws, I think I would've raided the bin too!! That ham bone must've been amazing!

  36. Where's the fun in being good, Angelic is over rated.


  37. Mmmmmmm, looks so tasty that anything you did to get a taste seems worth it!

    Kiki and Nala

  38. It was a noble effort, our friend. Proud of you for trying.

  39. All I can say is good job Molly and who wants to be good anyway.

    Loveys Sasha

  40. Oh no, how could your peeps chuck such a beautiful bone? Of course we don't get bones or any people food for that matter. Your mini-me did an excellent reenactment Molly.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  41. We cannot believe that your humans did not share with you. We cannot believe that you had to take things into your own paws. Sorry you got caught. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  42. I love that you're helping out Lynne with her mini-me's!

    I don't love that your pawrents kept that ham bone away from you though. How dare they? Don't they know you deserve a treat for being such an angel? bol

  43. First let's blame the peep that threw away the bone and second even when caught red handed you must still deny it.

    Aroo to you,

  44. Did you get a little taste?

  45. Seriously, what did the humans try to do? ...

    Sigh! It was so close!

  46. That is one mischievous doppelganger you've got their Molly!

  47. hehehehe you crack me up Molly,xx Speedy

  48. oh we do hope that the Mini Me reenactment isn't admissible in court as evidence against you????

  49. The bin got ours I mean mine too! Love Dolly

  50. LOL who could resist a bone? No dawg mini or otherwise. :)

  51. Well if they'd given you some in the first place there wouldn't have been a need for any mischief, right?! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
