Thursday 10 April 2014

Flog It Blog It, Techno Thursday With RoboRoo!

It seems technology advances these days at lighting speed and we have to say we were super impressed with Festo's bionic kangaroo which we call RoboRoo. No it is not a Dystopian Antipodean nightmare but a bot that runs on kinetic energy. They are also responsible for the robotic seagull.

We wonder what will be next? Kind of amazing and creepy at the same time. Would you like a robot and if so what would it be? Yes mine would be a bionic tree rat. Endless hours of fun. Off to email Festo right now.

We dedicate this post to Fozzie M here down under and all the roos at their place.


  1. Bionic Squirrel for me, that seagull looked real .. xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Ingenious, but we're still workin' out what the point is....

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. Not quite sure why the need for bionic kangaroos or seagulls though.

  4. the only robot I want is the depressed robot from hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, Marvin. I think he is adorable

    retro rover

  5. Dear Molly,
    I'm very impressed! Every kind of animals who is trying to escape from me would be a perfect toy!

  6. I would love to have a robot full of kitty treats and with latch that was activated every time I meow!!!
    AND FYI I meow A L O T
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. Pretty incredible! Though my three year old sitting with me is a little unsure what to make of it :-)

  8. Hooley Dooley Molly..that is one crazy Roo ...I mean it'z amazing they are a fascinating critter and designed for speed and agility..that lady needs to come here and see how the roos react to her hand gestures bwahahaah I am tipping she would be heading for the hills bwahahaa and I must check our roos to see if they have a glowing bot bot bwahahaa thanks Molly that was really awesome :) hugs and loves Fozziemumxxx Pee Ess forget the bionic snakes ......just sayin....

  9. WOW - Now that's a roo - snorts. hhhmm - would I want a robot? Maybe one that does all my grunt work here at the Hotel Thompson - you know like the chores - double snorts. XOXO - Bacon

  10. Just as long as they NEVER try making a Bionic SQUIRREL we are fine with this. BUTT it is sort of strange... even fur PEEPS.

  11. I want a remote control lawnmower, so I can sit in the porch and mow the lawn from my chair!

  12. That is very interesting Molly! A small team of robot mice would be lots of fun for us!

  13. I like the RoboRoo... and a bionic Weim would be great too :o) Have afabulous thursday dear Molly

  14. Wow, those are sort of cool! My Mom wants a Roo and I'd like squirrel fur sure. Not sure I'd be able to properly bash it though...might be too hard. Hmmmm.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  15. That seagull is so cool!!! How about a bionic chipmunk!!!

  16. Wow, that's crazy stuff.

  17. We love that thing and want one for a pet
    Lily & Edward

  18. Oh we liked that little roo the best, we finks we need one of those to clean up while momma is at work and take us for long walks when hers is to lazy...which is often.....
    stella rose

  19. I am so late....still sick here with dizziness! If I had a robot, it would be one to do my dishes. I cannot stand to do the dishes any longer, MIZ MOLLY! Hugs my dears!

  20. that is pretty darn amazing - to be able to get the balance just right to the kangaroo hops and the seagull is amazing.

  21. bionic tree rat - too funny! :)

  22. Wow...that is some crazy stuff Molly!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  23. The seagull is really pretty neat!

  24. I can see how you would enjoy a robotic tree rat. Me I'd prefer Rosie the Maid from the Jetsons. :-)

  25. Of course I would have to go with anything that would throw my ball for me. I guess a traditional robot would work well. I could probably get it to scratch my belly too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. Wow, amazing! Mmmm.... what type of robot we want to be? Maybe squirrel. :) :)

    Momo & Pinot xo

  27. Oh my dog Molly,
    That woo is pwetty spectacoolaw and so is the gull..i sink a woboic aminal might be fun if it coold fwow a ball so I coold chase it and it wool'nt want to shawe any of my foodabulls, hehehe..i like the idea of yoow twwee wat..but it might get pwetty fwustwating..i don't want yoo to get a sowe thwoat bawking at it
    Smoochie kisses

  28. We once had a sandwich shop with a robot server. It was very fun! And I still think that's what I'd like- a robot to feed Leo, the dogs and Amelia plus bring me my tea! Ah! Luxury! Until it scares Leo into a flight across the room, waking the dogs who knock over the robot in their barking frenzy then Amelia leaps onto the toppled robot and bites through a wire. *sigh* It was fun while it lasted!

  29. Wow, that's amazing. Elliot says he would like a robot that can play with toys all day and not moan like somebody does after only half an hour......
    Dip and Elliot x

  30. Wow, that is amazing.. and creepy. A robot tree rat is a stellar idea!

  31. OMD!!!!!! Are they going to take over the world with these guys?? I would love the bird one!!!! Too cooL!
    The music in the videos was a wee bit trippy though!!! haha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  32. I would like a bionic never ending cookie maker thingy!

    Love Sasha

  33. I need bionic legs so I can fetch a real tree rat!

  34. Very impressive,maybe they can use these bionics to learn more about how to help disabled humans.

    Love that very pensive shot of you today, Molly.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  35. OMD The seagull looks like a small bomber. I hope it doesn't throws a bomb, or a small bird droppings.

  36. I agree with the OP Pack, they should have robots that can help those disabled individuals; of course they wouldn't provide the love that service dogs do. If I could have a robot, I'd choose either a housekeeper or a hairdresser. Always love seeing you!
    Noreen & Hunter

  37. Wow, robots! I would bark at them. :)

  38. Interesting little critters. I just saw a tree rat yesterday btw. Which is weird because we usually don't have them in this area.

  39. I would use my robot for evil to gain access to the treats mom keeps out of my reach.

    Aroo to you,

  40. Those are amazing robo critters. Maybe we could get a bionic tree rat for a pet but then it would probably creep us, and our mama, out. Wonder if a robo tree rat would like metal nuts? MOL!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  41. We're not sure how we feel about these robotic animals...what if the hoomans start loving them more than us? *whimper*
    Wally & Sammy
