Sunday 6 April 2014

Share It Sunday, Two Brown Dawgs!

Nominated by Guest Blogger Hawk. 

Boys Of Summer?

The weather for training on Saturday was cold and windy…again!  To me it felt like the coldest training day so far.  Maybe it was because assorted weather people claimed that it would be a decent day.  Wrong.  Overcast, cold, and windy.  A very cold wind.

Of course the dogs didn’t mind.  They were ready to go and at least most of the snow has melted from our training field.  Now if only the ponds would open.

Sunday was the complete opposite of Saturday.  The weather was beautiful.  Sunny with light winds.  We were up at our cabin where there is still a foot of snow in some spots, but it is starting to melt.  Yesterday was the first day that felt like Spring might finally be on the way.

And ready or not today is opening day for Detroit Tiger baseball.  They are predicting temperatures in the mid-50′s, (yeah right).  I am not sure who decided that March 31st would be a good day to pick for baseball’s opening day in Michigan. Boys of Summer indeed.
Tomorrow I will have the set-ups that we ran during Saturday’s training.
2 Brown Dawgs!

Continuing to give something back on my 'Share It Sunday'. We all share and we grow together. Pop over and say hello and make a new friend.

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. He looks like he had a lot of fun. Have a great day.

  2. Oh the fun is going to start! I saw two plump rabbits on my FINALLY EXPOSED lawn yesterday; they were eating and exploring the territory as if they'd never seen grass before. PLAY ON you two!

  3. They are PAWsome dogs. Have a wonderful Sunday. Golden Woofs

  4. Good morning MIZ THANG! I love you.

    I just sent you an email! THANK YOU from the bottom of my dog lovin' heart. XOXOXO

  5. They sure know how to have a good time!!!!!

  6. They are wonderful, I wish I could run and hunt with them :o) Many thanks for sharing, dear Molly. Have a super sunny sunday!

  7. Morning Molly
    Great post on the brown dogs they are very handsome
    Madi your bfff

  8. We love the brown dogs!!

  9. Thanks for sharing these beauties Molly!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. those two look like they are having so much fun :)

  11. We LOVE the Boys of Summer.... AKA Baseball Players... BUTT the Detroit Tigers... seemed to have Whipped OUR Cleveland Indians...butts quite a few times last summer... WE are hoping fur a BETTER SHOW This year. Just sayin.

  12. Yay for summer hope it comes soon,xxx Speedy

  13. Looks like the brown dogs could careless about the cold.

    Aroo to you,

  14. What a great sharing on Sunday! Mes shall stops by and sees the 2 Brown Dogs and Molly, mes just catching upon what mes missed this week. When will yous has that Road Kill Cookbook done? Mes has to gets a copy!

  15. That looks like fun - nice to meet you!
    Dip and Elliot x

  16. Another baseball post, Molly will know all about it before you know it. Its sort of like cricket, you have a batter and a pitcher and you run around and score. Love Dolly

  17. Even though we are not huge dog fans...they chase us and we get scared. Those be pretty puppies!


  18. Hey Molly!
    Wow, thanks for showing us a new furiend! He looks like a lot of fun. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  19. What beautiful dogs. Glad your weather is finally warming up. We would cheer on the Tigers. They are kitties after all. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Those dogs are always so busy training. If my sister put that effort into her obedience class she would be a perfect dog! Happy Sunday!

  21. Always nice to meet new friends. Thanks for sharing Molly. We hope you had an awesome weekend!

  22. Hey! I know those pups!!!! Great post! Happy Sunday!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  23. Thanks for introducing these two beauties to us, Molly :)

  24. Thanks so much for featuring us Molly! We have had a busy weekend of dog shows and training and are Hoping to catch up some this morning (after I write a post!).

  25. They always look like they're having a great time training!

  26. Love 2 brown dogs which are now 3.
