Friday 20 June 2014

Chew-wa-wa Friday & An Appetite For Destruction!

Now I like a good chew followed by a de-stuffing and maybe a disembowelment and a decapitation or two. However I am pretty good and tend not to try my fangtastic gnashers on anything around the house. Not so as an English Insurance Study on pets at home has pointed out. So on fangtastic Friday we bring you the top ten worse culprits and you'll never belive who is at the number one spot. They may be small but they sure pack a lot of trouble into their miniature frames. Beware carpets, soft furnishing, well nothing is sacred it you have a Chihuahua Chew-wa-wa at home.  Yes these diminutive little pocket rockets are the most destructive out of all of us.

And as for the least....

The Staffordshire bull terrier. So how do you rate your destructive tendencies? Are you a sinner or a saint?

Have a fangtastic Friday all. 


  1. Bob is fairly destructive he chewed through the leg of a chair in a bout four seconds flat as a puppy and Norbert who may have some pointer or lab in there destroyed two couches as a youth. Th epugs have never destroyed anything. Our cats have knocked quiate a few things over
    retro rover

  2. I AM SHOCKED....I thought for sure that amongst the WORSE there I would find my favorite breed: THE TERRIER! But I am pleasantly surprised to find them in the least destructive category! Now Miz Molly, what kind of canine are you?

  3. I had no idea! But I'm not sure play is really destructive!

  4. Breathes out - thank goodness I didn't make that bad list! Snorts Oink. Have a great Friday sweet Molly! XOXO - Bacon

  5. I don't remember the boys ever destroying house hold things....dweeb is a Black Belt Master at destuffing stuffies but that it i all

  6. I only can imagine the damage the chew-wa-wa's did. I'm not on the list, that means I'm a Saint and my mom can stop her blushless exaggerations, hehe... btw: have they special offers on liability insurances for dogs what are not on the "wrecking ball list"? Have a super friday and have a good chew

  7. Hmm...Markings the carpet isa oursa claims to fame'ums. Don't even ask our mamas about that...nors about oursa chewing of all wooden objects...especiallys clawing at doors and frame'ums.
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

  8. Being an American dachshund has it's advantages since dachshund Wilhelm is the least destructive dog I have ever met! But American and English huskies are clearly more closely related; all of the huskies I have lived with believed that absolutely nothing should go unchewed. Nothing. Especially underwear.
    (You look fabulously rockin' today, by the way, Molly!)

  9. I'm a saint. Was dar any doubt?

  10. That's a fun list! hehe! Rocco is a rowdy little fella but he's not too destructive. His worst sin is paper shredding -- toilet paper, paper towels, the little rolls the toilet paper come on…
    Happy Friday!
    Diane and Rocco

  11. MOLLY you wear your do rag with such style......cracked mom up...but you know she is easily entertained.
    hugs madi your bfff

  12. They don't have Siberian Husky puppy on that list? HA!
    I have to show this to my mom.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  13. My dogs have decimated my carpets. The biggest problem is that they 'swim' on the carpet. You know, they lie on their sides and pull their feet down sort of like a person doing the breast stroke. My living room is quite large and they have done this on the seam so it's coming apart. I'm sucking it up because If I replace it, I think they will only do it again.

    I also think (typically) small dogs bite more frequently than big dogs. Of course, the big dogs have the potential to do more damage....

  14. Ha-Ha-Ha! All the terriers are on the least destructive list! And people say we like to ruin stuff like gardens and such. What a load of malarchy! Have a great weekend, Molly.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  15. Chihuahuas the most destructive dogs? That's probably because their owners dress them up in pink most of the time.

  16. How interesting. Mom says we do pretty good. I accidentally chewed on a door frame when I was a baby puppy dog but mom was able to repaint and it was fine. We almost ate out deck stairs, most of the corners are now rounded off but then we got our adult teeths so we stopped that too.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Being kitties, we aren't on your list. Mom has always wanted a West Highland White Terrier. This does not look good for us with them ranking as text to the least destructive. Hope we don't get traded in. That dead plushy looks so funny. You did a great job, Molly. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. What? Doxie's are FIRST????? Love Dolly

  19. Wow! I was surprised that huskies are so far down the list!
    Interesting! Mine aren't bad, but a lot of them are. Thanks for sharing!
    Chihuahua's huh? haha! Little devils!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  20. I can be a little destructive now and then, I either don't mean to, or I am trying to get Mom's attention (that is when I pull on the couch cushions) the velcro noise sounds like I am tearing them apart BOL
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  21. Aha! We cocker spaniels are on the least destructive list! However, when I do proper squeaky toy inspection, handling, and maintenance, it includes unstuffing, squeaky removal and occasionally some shredding of plush fabric. But I'm a bit confused now. I always thought a chihuahua was a kind of squeaky toy.

  22. Love the term pocket rocket. Katie and I have never been destructive, Bailie has had her moments. I though Labs were really bad, I guess not in the UK.

  23. As a Yorkie, all I can say is we are going to have to try harder

  24. Barley is not destructive at all. She still had the toy I got her the day after I brought her home from the shelter 3.5 years ago! Her cousin is a corgi-dachshund mix and he's like Sid from Toy Story--all of his toys are missing limbs and have lots of battle scars.

  25. Reminds me of little Dip and Elliot.... ;) Mulder wants to point out that pugs are on neither list!

  26. Bentley is very proud not to be on the most destructive list! Pierre is a West Highland Terrier and a renowned toy killer! Hahaha!

  27. Are these lists accurate?! We call for a recount! XD BOL Glad to not see the ACDs or the Australian Shepherds on either list though both are SUPER destructive if not given proper outlets and exercise. =)

  28. See? There's no kitties on that list AT ALL! I'm a good boy, I am.

  29. Westies least destructive? Uh, I don't know bout dat. Tell dat to my momma's shoes I chewed up as a puppy.

  30. Yikes, I've got 2 chi's! Neither one of them is overly destructive though, with the exception of their stuffies.

  31. Chew-wa-wa? I resemble that comment! Taco x

  32. Maxwell: *raises paw* SAINT.
    Allie: *points to Faraday* SINNER.

    Uh, Chew-WAwa? MOL!!

  33. We think that the elusive "Jakey-dog" should be number one on the list!! TeeHeeHee
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  34. I am surprised all retrievers aren't on the first list. :)
