Monday 18 August 2014

Mischief On Moanday Monday & Mini Mayhem!

Last week she who must be obeyed ignored was upstairs watching TV whilst I as usual was doing the impawtant job of securing the premises. That is when I saw the little bundle of mischief scamper across the floor. Now it has been very hot over here.since May and the little fury beasties have been heading indoors looking for water. So I sounded the alarm to no avail. Getting somewhat agitated having cornered the varmint in the corridor I waited patiently and with the lazy one still not coming to my aid I let out a chorus of barks fit enough to wake sleeping ugly from her stupor upstairs. Well it worked and she came lumbering down the stairs cussing and not looking where she was going. Ho hum, tripping over Sputnik Toy she landed rather ungracefully in a heap in the corridor. The arms where flaying like a windmill and she was rocking backwards and forwards like a Swinging Jenny until gravity got the better of her. Of course I had more impawtant things to worry about and continued to sound the alarm. Eventually getting her sorry rump into action she moved the umbrella stand......I pounced........little furry beast was no more. What did she do? Did she say thank you? No she called Wonder Boy and my trophy was dispatched into the place where all good things go aka the bin. Yes they stole it so I went and sulked for Britain. Humans for you....who'd have them?

Have a marvellous Monday all and don't forget to add a little mischief today.


  1. MOL!!!! You do paint a picture :) The "sleeping ugly" and "sorry rump"!! You are right, though, humans are useless!! mol

  2. See how much trouble those little beasties cause?

    Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  3. teeehee....I mean, I'm laughing at YOU MIZ MOLLY, for you are a great storyteller! My goodness, your peep has fallen a few times; I suppose she is rather young and can stand a few bumps and skids! about furry beasties; we are going to have our share as the temps outside cool down. So far no hairy creatures inside, but we have been attacked by a batallion of FLYS in the house and have no idea where they are coming from. We need a sentry such as yourself to keep a watchful eye!


  4. Well that's not a good way to start the week but we know YOU will have fun Molly!

  5. Oppps was she that shall be ignore able to get up alone or did you have to bite her tush to get her moving? I can see from the re-enactment that Grace is not her middle name
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. yeah I agree, Molly. They're pretty hopeless but they do feed us so I s'pose we gotta put up with 'em. She could at least have said thankyou, aye??

  7. Sorry fur the lose of the lil critter. There's bound to be more of the lil vermines. Keep a good watch.

  8. OMD...What a sight that must have been! Never a dull moment at your house!

  9. No appreciation. The things they choose to discard into the trash are astounding. Such wasteful creatures they are. It may have been funny to watch but glad your human is okay after taking a tumble like that.

  10. wow your human started into a new week like a rocket, even with special rhythmic gymnastics. I hope she is well. How sad that the furry root of all evil landed in the bin... think for so much entertainment it deserved to end as a treat. Have a super monday!

  11. I saw the whole show through your eyes and loved it all.. to funny and glad you dispatched the furry one. Jake grabbed one yesterday in the weeds in the back yard, we were shocked one came out in the middle of the day. he will not come out again. he went into a coffee tin and in garbage can

  12. Hooray for you and all doggie-kind! Hope Mum didn't get hurt to badly.

  13. Whoops. That must have been quite a sight! We hope your Human wasn't injured from the fall.

  14. Molly, she stole your trophy and threw it in the bin? What is wrong with that woman?!? Did she get hurt falling on her rump? I hope not...but it is funny. Happy Monday!

  15. The babe in that picture looks ready for mischief.

  16. The same thing happens to us all the time. Secure a great prize through our superior hunting skills, and it is immediately dispatched by a human. A pox upon them all! Our mom spends a lot of time on her butt like that 'cause she has no ability to balance on her own, so at least we get a lot of good laughs if not any furry critters. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo

  17. We Beaglebratz haf given up tryin'tue unnerstand'hoo-minz. Diva Shasta even got a mouse that wuz outside then brought it in-tue the house - sat with it rite on the sofa just waintin'fur mom tue say what a good gurl she wuz an'she wuz waitin'fur the x-tra treat BUTT NOOOOOOO! THAT did not happen - instead mom picked up the little dead mouse off the sofa an;put it in the trash bin. Then she even got sum of that smelly stuff an'wiped off the sofa. THEN, instead of stayin'home an'giving Diva Shasta a good gurl pawty, mom went off tue werk! Of all the wayz tue treat Diva Shasta - HRMPH!
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta
    PeeEss - YOU wuz a good gurl Molly - us woofiez know that!

  18. You sure can tell a story!

  19. We are getting a visual and cracking up, BOL. Your guard duties are very important
    Lily & Edward

  20. So unfair - all you hard work in getting that varmint only to have it taken away!

  21. Did you try and catch her? We bet you add so much color to your hooman's life!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  22. They put your TREASURE...WELL DESERVED TREASURE... in the RUBISH??? THAT is an abomination.

  23. don't know why they want to take our trophies away from us. I had a dragon fly this morning, I so wanted to eat that thing, and mom took it away!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  24. never thought you were a hunter molly, good for you ... and then the audacity they threw it away? love the rendition of she who must be obeyed ignored, must have been quite the sight in real life bol!

  25. All that hard work and they didn't even mount your trophy...sheesh, humans!!
    That was some great mischief Molly!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  26. OMG MOLLY!! You are terrible!! But it WAS funny!!!

  27. OMD you caught it then she let it go.
    Sorry you lost your prize.
    Hope your mom didn't break anything.
    xo Cinnamon

  28. No reward? We usually get a cookie if we chase the varmits away.

  29. That is a very sad tale. All that hard work for nothing, not even a bit of recognition!

  30. Hey Molly!
    Wow, you did a most excellent job! Sounding the alarm and dispatching the vile critter are such important things. Sorry you peep didn't appreciate this, but we in Blogville are most impressed! You're getting a round of applause from me fur sure.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Commish

  31. Oh, Molly! Rita feels your pain since her recent catch also went into the bin! These humans! (Hope your mum wasn't hurt!)

  32. Molly, we are so sorry that your human had the audacity to throw your prize in the trash. But at least you had the thrill of the hunt!

    Kiki and Nala

  33. Better luck next time with the beastie, and we sure hope your human was OK after that tumble. Sounds like something the Momster here would do too:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  34. No appreciation! You work so hard, and they just take it for granted. Didn't you even get a treat?

  35. He took it AWAY?!?! With no thanks or anything?!!? That is so highly unfair.

  36. A human makes a mistake and you lose your trophy. Typical human behavior.

  37. BOL! Always an adventure at Molly's bloggie! hehehe
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  38. We can't believe she didn't let you keep it!

  39. Oh yes its amazing how we do such good jobs at keeping varmits at bay and get so little gratitude or any rewards!

    The Mad Scots

  40. Maybe it wuz a gift for da garbage man?

  41. Well good work Molly. It's a shame us humans aren't as appreciative as we should be sometimes ;)

  42. What, you didn't get to keep your kill? What kind of work policy is that? You need to be calling in your HR department, maybe the doggie rights office, a lawyer or three...You have rights, Molly!

  43. Oh my dog, we heard a thumpt during the night. Must have been from the fall. Hope the mum's bum is ok from the fall.

  44. Whoa! That is going around. Sparkle had her lizard stolen by her human last week. Hey, can I use sleeping ugly for TW? MOL!

  45. Hey Molly, Humans are kind of like men-can't live with them and can't live without them. I know your human's life is so much richer because of you. You'll have another chance at catching the varmint.

  46. Just to be sure, was this a mouse? Good job Molly we're very proud of you even if you know who isn't! Love Dolly

  47. So sorry to here they dumped your kill into the trash, what a waste.

    Aroo to you,

  48. Great storytelling Molly, although it's too bad your trophy was taken!

  49. Oh dang...what a spoil sport mum is...a mean no playtime with the varmint...did mum enjoy her tip though ? ouchie! hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  50. Why do our stories of bravery NEVER have a happy ending...for us that is?
    Wally & Sammy

  51. I found a creature that came inside the house to cool off today too - a ladybug!

  52. Oh poor Molly. We know what it's like when moms don't appreciate what we are doing LOL.

  53. Well, I would say that story has the good, the bad, and perhaps the painful. LOL

  54. Ouchie but SCORE on securing the creature sweet Molly. XOXO - Bacon

  55. Oh Molly, people just don't get it, do they? No mischief here though. Thank you for helping Pia and Dexter celebrate their love anniversary today! Purrs...

  56. hahaha... Molly! Have a pawtastic Tuesday!!

    Momo & Pinot

  57. We feel your pain Molly. Pierre sounds the squirrel in the yard alert routinely and when he dug up a mole, Mom and Dad wouldn't even get it mounted! WTD?

  58. Your posts make me laugh so hard my face hurts!

  59. Hahahahaha! You tell the best stories Molly! Concats on killing the vile varmint!

  60. She who she should be ignored is an ingrate. After all that action, she didn't even thank you.

  61. You'd think she'd be grateful! It's typical of bipeds to check something away without considering anyone else!

  62. O my, that was quite the image you painted! Humans never appreciate the fine work we do, nor the trophies we score. Harumph. However, I salute yeu!!!

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

  63. Hey Molly

    I love your recount of the incident, so funny! I hope the lazy one is ok and didn't hurt herself!

    I have to do all the work around here too Molly, don't know how they'd cope without pups like us to look after them?! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  64. Sometimes humans don't appreciate us as they should.

    the brown dawgs
