Monday 1 September 2014

Nearly Murder On Moanday Mischief Monday!

So I am at the park having a lark and terrorizing my territories when she who must be obeyed ignored says it is time to go home. So she drags my miserable sorry butt towards home and upon entering 'Casa Calamity' what do I spy out in MY garden?

Look at it brazenly sitting on MY table eating some bird food peeps left out for Mr Robin. Munching away without a care in the world. ACTION STATIONS AT THE READY........

I sprint towards the table but the little bugger jumped off the chair and in the blink of an eye leapt onto the fence and was gone. Drats! Next time you pesky little tree rat, next time you'll be mine, ALL MINE.

Have a marvellous Monday and keep those eyes peeled as they are out there laughing at you.


  1. Doesn't that just make you so MAD??? It makes us crazy when those tree rats terrorize OUR space!! You will get 'em next time!!

  2. Climbing fences and trees is just cheating isn't it!

  3. this is a great ACTION story.. one of these days you will get that squirrel.. Jake loves to try but has yet to catch the fast little guys.... keep that yard clean of critters

  4. Hahaahah sorry Molly...but I do think he is super cute :) pee ess at least he was not mucning mums Fuschia :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

  5. Hey Molly if only you were a cat, then you could jump the fence too ....

  6. It is evil Red John's cousin, you must dead him ASAP!

  7. Oh I hate those squirrels! They call me names here, and flip their tails at me.

  8. Excellant tree rat photo sightings Molly ~ and I am sure he knows he was no match for your action station ... sneaky furry tailed buggers they are .
    Happy September.

  9. in YOUR garden? that's scandalous, butt next time, next time you will get it, that's for sure! And you will know no mercy, right?

  10. Oh no! Those tree rats have NO shame do they? I hate it when they go up a tree just enough and laugh.I had my revenge recently Molly. I alerted my peeps to a squirrel nest hiding in the corner of the pergola about the jasmine and my Dad my hero DESTROYED IT. That squirrel ran and never came back! I gloated for days and days! So next time you will triumph over the tree rats! Your pal, Toby

  11. Did I tell you Miz Molly, that the other day, I had my camera and was taking photos of the local gardens...when suddenly as I was snapping away at a lovely bird bath, a HUGE LOAF of Italian bread hit me on the head? It had a bite mark....I wondered, "Who in the bloody #%&* hit me?" I looked up and there HE WAS....MR. TREE RAT! He was sitting there, culpable with the chunk of bread he bit off in his mouth! teeheheeee


  12. UN.ACCEPT.ABLE! You cheeky little so-and-so!! You will rue the day you crossed the grrrreat and pawsome MOLLY!!!
    Wally & Sammy

  13. Jus' yu wait yu evil skirrel. Molly will get yu!

  14. Well where was your neighborhood watch team - we are sure that was a home invasion of the worse kind :) :)

  15. Dang Molly, that little booger was fast!

  16. Grrrrrrrrrr! The Evil Squirrel Cartel strikes again! They're still sneaking around our yard, but there's nothing for them to eat since they took all the pears and ruined the bird feeder. Mom is still wishing for a Twirl-a-squirrel feeder. Bwahahaha. Just imagine this: 1. Squirrel tries to get seeds out of feeder. 2. Squirrel gets spun around and around until dizzy. 3. Dizzy squirrel falls off feeder. 4. We doggies charge out the back door. 5. Squirrel too dizzy to run straight. 6. The End.

  17. taking advantage of you being away, eh?! get him!

  18. Do you think the reasons we don't have any here is because we don't have any real trees?

  19. So are you saying that the moral of this is.... when the MOLLY is away the Squirrel will play?

  20. I love your garden. That little tree rat deserves what's coming to him being in your space. Next time get his tail and keep it as a souvenier, show him who is boss, grab him by his nuts!
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  21. Molly OMDS...British squirrels are just like US of A squirrels...but yours appears to be twice as cheeky. Thus far the ones here have never been bold enough to get up on our porch furniture...well not that we have seen! MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  22. Wondered where my Sid squirrel went to Molly
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier X

  23. Do you think your momma took you to the park, so that pest could enjoy some of the seed in a quiet environment? Your garden is so beautiful-it looks like a park. Why would you ever want to leave? Hope you have a fabulous day!
    Wags and love,
    Noreen & Hunter

  24. Good thing you came home in time to run him off!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  25. Yo, Molly! Calm down girl! Efurrybuddy's gotta eat, right?

  26. You'll get 'em next time!

    Monty and Harlow

  27. Those little tree rats how brazen of them.

    xo Cinnamon

  28. Good thing your family has you to guard the territory!

    My boys tend to pretty much ignore the tree rats, so they probably would have let him stay up on the table enjoying the bird food.

  29. Sheesh, he is so bold and has no manners - eating on YOUR table without even an invitation. You need a critter spray to keep away those pesky nuteaters.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  30. You got that right. They tease us right through the Catio screen efurryday. If you are ever going to catch one of those little pests, you're going to need to become stealth dog. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  31. Dear Molly,

    Squirrels are Evil. That is all.


  32. Oh Molly the indignities of it all! I so understand many times I go out in my backyard only to have to chase those horrid squirrels away! Love Dolly

  33. O Molly!!!!!!!!

    Next time, my friend. Next time.

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

  34. SO very close Molly!! Next time you will get him for sure!!!
    Arty, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  35. Well, that ain't right Molly!!! Those nasty little tree rats need to be taught a lesson! Hey, if you need some back up, lets me know and I can be there in a jiff....okays, maybe not a jiff, butts I'll work somethin' out...
    Ruby ♥

  36. He got away this time huh Molly? You'll get him next time!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  37. :O Oh no Molly! I agree with Jenna. Keep @ it!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!

  38. what a bold little guy!

    retro rover

  39. Snorts - how dare that overgrown rat get into your backyard onto your table. The guts of him - snorts. Have a fantastic day my sweet Molly. XOXO - Bacon

  40. Great Dawg! That squirrel was brazen indeed. Creeping in so close and eating food left out for others. It's a shame you didn't get your teeths wrapped around that sucker!

  41. The nerve of that vermin! You'll get him the next time for sure!

    Kiki and Nala

  42. Oh man! Those dang tree rats are so brazen! I almost caught one this morning on my walk. They were playing squirrel tag in the bushes below a tree, so I jumped in before they knew I was there and missed the tail by about 4 inches. I will get one some day!

  43. We had one of those in our bird feeder today. We bet it's the same one

  44. They're pesky little things aren't they! We only have the red variety on Anglesey and they are a lot more neighbourly! :)

  45. Molly, so close! I was already smelling a nice batch of squirrel stew. Oh well, better luck next time for that smelly rat.

    Love Sasha

  46. OURS sit up in the tree and laugh down at us cos our birdbrained daddy feeds them and not us.
    stella rose

  47. Oh butt it will be such a sweet victory when you succeed!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

  48. And ours chatter all the time... do yours?

  49. LOL the SQ's are getting brave around here too. One of these days the brown dawgs will have the last laugh!

  50. They are brazen this time of year!! I think they're just nuts. ;-)

  51. Hi Y'all!

    At least you gave him a good scare!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  52. Glad you chased him out of your yard! Tree rat! Pffffttt!!

  53. Hey Molly

    You have some cheeky ones over there, I've never known any of mine to actually venture inside the garden, they stay on the fence or in the tree, but maybe they're up to no good when I'm out too? Shock!

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
