Monday 1 December 2014

Mail On Monday & Some Mischief!

Firstly Happy December to you all and we are glad to be back as we have missed you all. Tis the season and so we have been very diligent and managed to get our bite marks into the first Christmas card of the year. Now as you can see I am giving she who must be obeyed ignored the stinky eye for making me wear 'The Cone Of Shame'. That she says is for not so much cock-a-leekie the soup but more for cock-a-leaky on the parcel that the man in brown tried to deliver the other day. Yep he put it down to get a signature from peeps just as we were heading off to the park. I was busting to go and I hardly think it was my fault the package ended up in the way of my business. She went potty and I was in a wee bit of trouble but it is all water under the bridge now.  Have you ever gone cock-a-leaky on something you should not have?

Have a marvellous Monday all.

Christmas Card Tally 2014.

Me 1 Peeps 0.

Thank you Sully.


  1. Molly, you're back, WeyHey, I've missed you !!!!
    I've been guilty of doing a few puddles since having my op but seem to have got over than now - they told me that if I don't stop Santa Paws won't visit !!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Welcome back, Molly. You have been missed!! Nice aim with the cock a leaky!! The other day I got a tincey wincey bit excited and peed on the Staff's hand! Well, she was squeezing me in my middle and I hadn't been errr you know ... I hadn't been for about 20 hours!! We cats have tremendous control MOL

  3. Well, I am back to choking from LAUGHTER first thing in the morning here! Oh Molly, please tell your peep to never, ever take you away from us again! I know, she needs a vacation, but is there some way you can manage to get to the computer and stir up some mischief and type away and post while she who must be ignored is resting? NEVER LEAVE US! teeeeeeeeee - "water under the bridge" - teeeeee

    YOU IZ BAD Miz Molly! (you look so cute)

  4. Did your mum up that cone from the street? The Council will be lookin' for that. So beware.

    Sometimes peeps are so slow getting out the door, accidents happen. Hope the parcel was okay and not too wet.

  5. LOL as a matter of fact just yesterday Freighter went on a pile of pine needles hubby had raked and was in the process of bagging up. He was not happy. Welcome back.

  6. Hi Molly! So glad yur back!
    Hmm, that cone o' shame is jus a bit better than the usual kind us furs haveta wear.

  7. Yes, definitely her fault if she left the package in your way!

  8. Well shame on the man in brown I say. He's got some nerve not waiting until after your walk to deliver a package. Welcome back Molly :)

  9. Welcome back! Happy Holidays!

  10. a gal can only hold it for so long right :) :)

  11. Oh my that is an appropriate face for having to wear that hat for an unavoidable mistake thats was no real fault of your , those pesky UPS guys . Just wait until he has to wear depends, that'll teach him.

  12. Your cone is so much cooler than mine. Mine was just white and made it hard to steal the socks out of the laundry basket.

    Abby the Lab.

  13. Hi Molly, pawsome to see you again! We love your cone of shame, butt know that you are NOT thrilled wearing it. Sorry to hear you got into a tad of trouble over there. Sometimes that happens!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  14. welcome back and i see you are still up to your mischief.. we love hearing about your 'accidents'.. or wash it and accident? that is the question.. BOL BOL

  15. I thought everything is fair game.

  16. BOL! Cock-a-leaky?!? Now that I have never heard before...though I am sure I have done my share! Glad you are back, Miss Molly!

  17. nice to have you back, even if you are in trouble! :)

  18. Molly, I'm sure that was the special position of the moon during the last days, they say the moon has much inFLOODence on liquid things... it happened here too that someone flooded the christmas tree (even fake trees need water). Have a great monday. btw: I like your hat, orange is the new black :o)
    Easy Rider

  19. Hey, it's not your fault it turned into a pee package!

  20. Super fun! And welcome back!

    Keep on wagging,

  21. Sounds like a common occurance at our home...Bilbo is a very leaky pup!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  22. Glad to see you back! Sounds like you are being set up!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  23. Hurray you are back! Yes we always tell people not to set things down on the deck or in the yard - Bailey will think he has to mark it. Once he 'leaked" on one of the granpeeps shoes when they took them off and left them BOL!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel
    Pee es
    Mom has several frog decorations that are out in the yard but she has not really collected them. She used to collect Garfield the cat stuff and of course tons of pug stuff

  24. Molly!!! We missed you and we are so glad you are back. Cone of shame huh? Never fear... we've all done things we are not so proud of in the past. :) XOXO - Bacon

  25. Welcome back and Happy December!

  26. Molly it's great to see you! And it is NOT your fault. Sometimes the floor gets in my way if you can believe it and I just can't make it the extra two steps outside.

  27. We are so glad you are back Molly but sad to see you in the cone of shame (though orange is totally your colour!) Oh the cock-a-leeky on something a doggie shouldn't go on stories I could tell... Wait. Someone just did it again! Gotta go.

  28. Haha, that is so funny! We are glad to see you back, hope you had a nice rest.
    Dip and Elliot x

  29. oh yes I have! Welcome back! We have missed you! That cone looks like it came from my agility kit!

  30. I was just asking Mom yesterday where you were, missed you!

  31. What a sharp looking hat, Molly! It's nice to see you back ☺

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  32. Honestly Molly no I've always been a very good girl about that sort of thing. But considering the situation I don't think I could blame you, sorry about the Cone. Love Dolly Pees: Glad to have you back!

  33. Yeah you're back Molly. We have mist you and all your photos.

  34. How can you explain moms?! Hunter has one card already-but we didn't get a list this year, so will probably just send out his as they come in. Hope you have a wonderful week.
    Noreen & Hunter

  35. MOL - cock-a-leaky eh? Hehehehhh. Uh, why NO. *innocent look* That's my story & I'm stickin' to it. Just don't look in the guest bathroom sink, 'k? ~ Faraday

  36. Yep our wonderful Top Cop Bites does ir on anything sitting on the ground, even in the garage.

    Da Sus

  37. I did it on da bed as a lil pup.

  38. Oh Molly
    I never peed on anyone but once I did the #2 in my dads truck.
    He was not happy.
    We missed you while you were gone.
    Are you ready for Santa yet/
    xo Cinnamon

  39. Bwa ha ha. Honey always goes in the right place. But we've had a couple of foster puppies who have tried to go all cock-a-leaky on Honey.

    How rude.

  40. SO glad to see you back!!!!! Wooo woooooo!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  41. I (Seth) have been known to cock-a-leaky in some not so appreciated places. I had an accident on the bed once. But it turned out okay…the mattress cover She had turned out to be cock-a-leaky proof! It took a trip to the laundromat to wash the comforter BOL


  42. I'm so happy you got my card. I was wondering how long it would take to get to your house.

    Aroo to you,

  43. Glad you’re back Molly. Can’t say I ever went unappropriately. I was wondering why you had a pylon on your head.

  44. I am sorry you have to wear that hat!

  45. Nice to see you back! Even with the goofy hat on. :)

  46. Welcome back Mol! We can't believe your mom is making you wear that cone of shame...doesn't she understand that when a girl needs to go, she NEEDS TO GO!!!
    Wally & Sammy

  47. At least it wasn't a pee on the man who delivered the that would have been william /(^.^)\

  48. Crikey Molly..... it's sure good to have you back.. I peed on a bloke's towel at the beach the other day. He'd gone in for a surf and left his towel and stuff on the beach. Well there's NO trees on the beach, aye?? Gotta go somewhere.

  49. Yay!! You're back and I don't care that you leakied on her parcel just so long as you're back.

  50. Welcome back Molly!
    I, Bertie, have never ever peed where I shouldn't, oh no. But once when my predecessor Hamish the Westie was running around on an Aberdeenshire beach one sunny summer Sunday, he peed on a jacket that was being used as a goalpost in a family football game. Gail apologised profusely to the nearest human. This lady just laughed and said oh don't worry, it doesn't matter at all, it's only my husband's....

  51. Awwww, Molly, we missed you! LOL

  52. How could anyone blame you?!

  53. Hi Molly what a cute picture. Thank you so very much for that package you sent to our is sitting on our table ready to give her on Thursday night when she comes over to visit...did it actually say the name McConnell on the front of Angus's middle name?
    stella rose

  54. Great to see you back Molly.
    Can see you were deep in the DO DO mate.
    How long yer got to wear the cone of shame ?
    If you give it a good chew it might not fit next time eh !
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  55. Oh well now Molly, this is one for us Girls! Glad you got the first Christmas card! BOL on watering the package! We have all christened a rug in the last 24hrs which has Mom flummoxed! Anne sometimes does if Ralphie keeps her from getting to her potty pad and I (of course) have to pee over it! But MAZIE did on a rug last night!!!! Mom thinks she might have a UTI so she started on antibiotics today. So we are all on the naughty list now.

  56. Welcome back! At least you didn't go on the man in brown. BOL!

  57. O hai! Sorry u have to wear the cone.

  58. WE MISSED YOU, MOLLY!!!!!!!!
    Oh. Sorry about the cone. There were a couple incidents here and there, but I was still being potty trained so it was all my mom's fault. And dad's, too. Not mine.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
