Saturday 25 May 2013

Flog It Blog It, That Is Caracas!

Molly The Wally Has Toilet Paper!

Today we hop over to Venezuela were angry citizens are facing a difficult time on the toilet. Mon Dieu the country is running out of loo roll. Many supermarkets in the South American state have completely run out of toilet paper. Worried consumers are queuing for hours to get their hands on a single sheet. The government has rushed to import 50 million rolls. Are they trying to paper over the cracks? However it may be too little too late for many angry members of the public as supplies bottom out. Pensioner Manuel Fagundes failed to find a single sheet during his shopping trip to Caracas and he told our reporter from Molly Media, ‘This is the last straw. I'm 71 years old and this is the first time I've seen this. While Cristina Ramos added, ‘I've been looking for some for two weeks. I was told that they had some here and now I'm in line waiting.’ Butt it is s not just toilet paper Venezuela is running out of, supermarket shelves have also been cleared of milk, butter and coffee as the crisis continues due to low prices set by the Socialist government. Since the death by dictator Hugo Chavez, state controlled prices have been set below real market prices result in hoarding and therefore shortages.  But Chavez's successor President Nicolas Maduro claims anti government forces are deliberately clearing shelves, in a bid to destabilise the country. Hmmm actually we have news for you…..we think it is the Japanese.


  1. Don't like that girl in the photo's chances if she walked down a street in Caracas.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. I could do with one of those, my nose is always running in this cold weather we keep having..LOL Survived the concert :) xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. OMD....gross. :) Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  4. Ohhhhh....I'm just recovering from a laugh attack...on a full stomach from my breakfast!!!!!!! OH MOLLY..what can I say but that you are brilliant? teeheheheheheeehe dear, dear, are too much. SMILES!

  5. Hard to imagine not having any TP! I guess they will have to start cutting up their bedsheets into little squares!

  6. Running out of TP, seriously??

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. oh my that is a awful problem

    urban hounds

  8. Super funny! We read about that in the BBC.

  9. Oh sh.. I'll bet they tried mom's cheesecake-recipe :o) Or maybe they are writing her wishlists for christmas? Have a funny weekend - and paws crossed for the new compawter.

  10. could come in handy next cold season :)

  11. I can see a big pile of trouble headed their way MOL!!!

  12. Hey Molly!
    Wow, those nutty peeps! OMD, why not just use a leaf or just go au naturale like us. Well, I guess because they are tons messier than we are. BOL Thanks for the ginormous chuckle today, Molly!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  13. Don't they know they could just SCOOT like WE do???

  14. They will need to use some leaves. Lee and Phod

  15. That lady wears a paper holder on her head! :)

  16. I like what you did with the toilet paper, Molly! Ha-ha!

  17. OMD Molly...your Japanese links never fail to astound me...still LMAO here

  18. BOL!!! Molly you are too funny!! Such an insightful reporter!


  19. Ahhhhhh, excellent. What a great laugh to start our weekend!

  20. It's not pretty but it is practical. Unlike me....I am just the opposite :-)

  21. Brilliant report Molly! Hope you have a great holiday weekend :)

  22. Molly, you get right to the bottom of things!! Hehe!! ;)

  23. That poor girl must really have a heavy cold :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  24. Are you fooling us Molly?? Drinking too much toilet bowl water sometimes gets us mixed up too ! Toilet paper shortage really ??
    Hee hee
    Bark on
    Your 3 Farm dog friends at Willow's Farm

  25. Yikes.....things are quite dire when there's a scarcity of toilet paper! I can see it all now - TP sold on the black market, etc. Well, thank heavens there's no shortage far...but perhaps we should start stockpiling just in case!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  26. I think I've just about seen everything now.


  27. You might have something there with the Japanese, they sure seem to have enough. Maybe we can all send a roll, Mommy says she would hate to be without it.We could call it operation dirty bottom. I don't get it myself as I prefer to drag it around the house. Each to her own.

    Loveys Sasha

  28. Well hope we never have that problem around here!

  29. that one picture was so funny!

  30. HAH! There's a run on asswipe. Get it? A run …

  31. Grass could become the super product of the universe then, you can eat it, sleep on it and of course, wipe your bum on it. Dogs already know this of course - just waiting for humans to catch on.

  32. Molly, just popping in to say I got your note and it made me feel great {{hugs}}

  33. I don't think Eva has 1/10 of patience like you, Molly! You're amazing!

  34. OMD don't let that happen in the USA! Mom will be in BIG trouble! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  35. Oh my gosh I hate to be living there right now. Poopie!

  36. Years ago, a comedian had a skit about a toilet paper shortage. The people who saw it ran out and bought up toilet paper, causing an actual shortage.

  37. Hahahaha! They could try rubbing themselves clean on the grass!

  38. Forget the Japanese, I bet they wish they had a Sears catalog or two about now. :)

  39. Oh my word! I'm not sure what I'd do.
