Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Fog Blog, I Can See Clearly Now Says Mystic Molly!

Molly The Wally Does Mystic Molly!

The Leo Furry Friend, July 23rd to August 22nd.

Ruler, Fire.

Symbol, The lion.

Most compatible with, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra.

The Leo furry friend is a day dreamer. What do they dream of? Maybe starring in their own movie or becoming a rock star or owning their own anipal clothing line. Whatever their dreams are, being showered with adoring adulation and lots of attention from the paparazzi would make their dreams come true. These companions need an audience and love the limelight. They need to rule the world and global domination is their aim, nothing less. You think big if you are a Leo. These anipals are the superstar of the Zodiac and don't you forget it! The Leo furend is a star and is the biggest show-off you'll ever see. A natural poser, they can never get enough time in the spotlight. Thus the best way to please them is to feed their pride by showering them with compliments, attention, affection and praise. Too much is never enough for this diva anipal. Those born under this sign are fabulous with children because they love to play. However don't expect them to share the limelight with the little ones. They need to be the centre of attention all times. They will slobber you with kisses and give you tail wags galore because they have a heart of gold. Like their sign The Lion they have a big heart when it comes to their own.

The Leo anipal commands respect and they will expect you to worship them with the passion of a number one fan. Should you fail to pay them the proper respect don't be surprised if you are given the cold shoulder. Leo being a lion has a lot of pride to protect and their egos bruise easily. If you neglect to pay attention to your Leo star or God forbid you are too busy to pay them enough attention they will act as if the world is coming to an end. These spoiled furends thrive on your adoration and affection and there is no such thing as too much. Having a heart of gold, they would give you their last bone to prove their undying devotion. The Leo diva wants only the best. They have no qualms in telling you if they find their surroundings fall behind their high standards. Never feed them food that is not of the best quality or they will ignore it or worse throw a serious diva tantrum. Would you treat a world renowned star like that? 

To own a Leo anipal you must practice pet worship and if you live in luxury that will be appreciated. You must remember the world revolves around them. Don't forget you are part owner, part agent, part fan club and provider of all things good. You need to be a personal chef and your bedroom is their own private plush dog bed. You'll take the time to get to know what their favourites are and always have them on hand when demanded. If you're a cheapskate or a tightwad, you'll offend their sensibilities. You need to understand that they have champagne taste and a lemonade budget just won't cut it. Okay, so they are a bit of a diva but that is what you love that about them.

Remember your human is for life not just for Christmas.
If you missed all about your Leo human you can find it here.


  1. Oh my Molly is sooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!

  2. Pet worship..BOL, she needs to practice some of that. Have a great Wednesday Molly xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. What's your sign Molly?

  4. Dawling Molly
    Thank yoo fow visiting. Fowgive me fow not coming awound much, but know I think of you and love yoo and hope yoow having a sweet summew
    Smoochie kisses

  5. OMD...OMD...guess what! I is a LEO...are you shocked? I guess not knowin' Leos loves da limelight...BWHAHAHAHAHA. Dis horoscope just totally fits me to perfection!


  6. Hi Y'all!

    Ah! You are a special one! I always knew you were special, now you've confirmed it!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. my uncle andrew is a leo, I don't think he's living up to the pet worshipping side of his nature, I think I'll have to fix that!

  8. Hey that sounds like a few pups I know... like Puddles. Love that girl.

  9. Oh, Molly, our human avoids Leo males at all costs--she absolutely cannot stand the fragile egos. LOL. She says Leo females are pretty awesome, though. :-D

  10. My mom has a few Leo friends and they are a bit like lions too! :)

  11. Our Man and Uncle D are Leo's but none of of us with 4 paws are. Very interesting. Lee and Phod

  12. teeehehehehehehe PET WORSHIP! Oh Miz Molly, you are the inventor of the DOG'S LIFE! I LOVE YOU!

  13. It does sound perfect for the Puddles

  14. OMD OMD YESsssssssssssssssssss ERNIE and PUDDLES are Both PERFECT examples of LEOness.


  16. My dad is a Leo - I must laugh out loud as I read the first words. It fits totally to my dad. Thanks.I can see clearly now, Molly.

  17. Mystic Molly is so smart and she always looks very beautiful.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  18. I know a couple of people like this...very good.


  19. These Leo anipals sound like very good friends! Totally worth a little expensive taste :)

  20. No Leo anipals over this way but my human brother is a Leo. He's probably close enough to an anipal ;)

  21. We think this is very accurate and MUST have come from some mystic place for you to have such keen knowledge!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  22. Everyone should be a pet worshipper!

  23. Not sure we know any Leos, but they sound nice!

  24. The little man is a Leo and you are right about him being a bloody show off, BOL!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  25. We don't have any Leos in our house. But as they are BIG CATS, we're glad.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  26. I'm not sure about this whole fortune-telling thing - but hey! Are those cards?!? I helped my mom play some card game she was playing once - then we got to play another one called "52 card pick up". It was tons of fun. For some reason, she only plays cards on the iPad now. Go figure!
    Play bows,

  27. We have no leos in our home but good info anyway, love your fortune telling outfit
    urban hounds

  28. Oh, our angel Abby was a Leo and she definitely loved adulation and attention. I used to call her my Supermodel Girl cuz she LOVED to pose for the camera.

  29. Oh Molly, it really looks like you were seeing something in that crystal in that picture!!

    Elyse and Riley

  30. Have a wonderful day, Mystic Molly :)

  31. I need the limelight. Maybe I was born in August. The peeps really don't know when I was born.

  32. I really like the quote "remember your human is for life not for christmas". And Molly what a gigantic rock you have!!!! :D

  33. You nailed it!

    Critter Alley

  34. Molly, Leos sound pretty high maintenance! Every time you do one of these astrology posts, it makes me wish we knew when Wrigs was born. But, whenever it was, I don't think he's a Leo. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  35. Stopped by to wish you a wordless Wednesday. Have a great week!

  36. The Leo Lion sounds like they're gonna have lottsa fun! Rockstar, Star in a Movie! :)

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  37. I'm a Pisces! I don't know anyone who's a Leo.

  38. My mummy is a aquarius and my daddy is a Leo and they have been together for ever
    weird huh?xx Speedy

  39. Heys Molly, my mama says you somehow got me exactly right down to the whiskers. I am almost a year old (in about a week) and all attention must be focused on me.

    Georgia, She Who Must Be Worshiped
