Saturday, 28 September 2013

Dog House Blog, Super Shot Saturday!

Molly The Wally Has A Laugh!

This reminded me of an embarrassing incident that took place a few years ago in one of our parks. Yep we were walking across the golf course when I spied a ball. Well what is a dog to do when there are balls about? Needless to say the more the golfers chased me the more I thought it a pawsome game. I ran around like a mad thing and the golfers ran around like mad things too. No way was I giving the ball back. Eventually I got the hang of things and dropped it in the hole. Where was my people I hear you ask? They walked off sharpish and disowned me. How disloyal. Anyway in the end I scarpered leaving the guys to argue about whether or not that counted as a shot. Catching up with my people I did question why you can't get decent loyal staff these day? Have super shot Saturday all and leave the golf balls to the foxes.


  1. That's incredible. Can't believe the golfers thought it was cute, too. Didn't know they had a sense of humour on the course!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Miz Molly, you do what your instincts tell you...and you run with the ball no matter what! NO STOPPIN' MIZ MOLLY! You just gave those golfers a run for their money!!!!!

  3. Hey, everyone was sure having a ball Molly!

  4. LOL! If you want a ball, you should be able to have one!

  5. WE think you did the RIGHT thingy... if you find it... it is YOURS... If it is a BALL... you PLAY with it. WAY TO GO girrrrrl. Peeps are just Silly.

  6. Have you seen THIS funny leaps? hahaha Tiger Woods was yesterday, today we have Fox Woods. Have a great weekend dear Molly, thanks for sharing this funny video!

  7. Ahahahaha! I can image you run in the park with the golfers run back to you LOL.
    Have a nice weekend, Molly.
    Woof, woof,


  8. oh, dear! i bet golfers were not happy!

  9. We would have loved to have seen you dashing around the golf course with that golf ball, Molly! And dropping it into the hole? Wow! Very impressive. The fox video is so cute! Too bad the golfer retrieved the ball.

    Susan and Wrigs

  10. The no fear fox :-).
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom.... X

  11. We knew you were talented but had no idea you were a golfer too!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That is so sweet :) There would have been 50 Tory's on horseback after him if he had been over here!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  14. Our mom AND dad (who is a golfer!) just LOVE that! The fox kit is just adorable!

  15. That video was great made me smile, I'm not used to golfers with a sense of humour.


  16. what a great video....loved that little fox playing with the golf ball....loved how he kept pouncing on it

  17. OMFoxes that is a precious little fella. He jumps like a cat...and he has a very cat like tail...maybe he is part feline.
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  18. MOL!! The fox is certainly having a ball!!

  19. Muahaha, that fox sure is confused! He seems to think that he's part cat, part dog, and part caddy!! Domeek had a big o' smile on her face while watching the video, that was embarrassing!

  20. That playful fox is too funny!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  21. Cute! What a beautiful fox. So funny how he play-bows, just like a dog. Love all the commentary from the guys in the background!

  22. How cute! It's funny how he keeps looking around as though to make sure no one is watching.

  23. I would have enjoyed seeing you snatch that ball Molly! And that fox is just precious!

  24. O I deu lubbs that photo... and what a fun bideo!!! hahahaha

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

  25. O I deu lubbs that photo... and what a fun bideo!!! hahahaha

    wif lubbs from Little Reufus

  26. That little fox was so cute. He's probably better at golf than that guy anyway!!


  27. HAH! I would've paid to see that!! You racing around. TW would've left me too. Loyal staff is a thing of the past.

  28. I know I would have fun at watching the human running after the ball, too!

  29. HELLOooooooo !!!!!!!
    From your old friends, Nana & Uyanga, ah, Flo also !

  30. Molly....
    Crack. Me. Up!! Oh, and by the way? Not all dogs love balls. Rose is terrified of them!! I haven't a clue why!! ;op
    --Raelyn and Rose

  31. Hi Molly! We think you would be very cute on the golf course! Xo Chloe and LadyBug

  32. You stole a golf ball? Those aren't so interesting to us. My sister took off on a soccer field with a soccer ball during a kids game once. Why not, it adds to the fun!

  33. That young fox is so so cute! It probably isn't a good thing for him to get used to people, but still pretty darned adorable.

  34. Typists dog did something similar!!

  35. Now we know what happens to all the lost golf Of course Molly > random fox because you put the ball in the hole. :)
