Saturday 20 April 2013

Dog House Blog, 10 boredom busting things to do!

Molly The Wally paws for thought.

My top ten boredom busting things to do!

Dogs 'catch' yawns from people and it's five times more likely to happen if it's their owner. Talking about yawning, being alone at home is so boring that stifling a yawn is near impossible. Here is my top ten things to do to curb boredom.

Number 10 Karaoke, a bit of howling to the radio can be a break from the monotony of being stuck indoors. Favourites include, ‘All By Myself’, ‘Alone Again Naturally’, and ‘Left Outside Alone’. A good gargle with chicken soup will keep those vocal cords in top tune.

Number 9 Gardening, a good dig of the flower beds is stimulating for the nose and gives you a bit of exercise at the same time. I dig, you dig, we dig, he digs, she digs, they dig", It's not a beautiful poem, but it's very deep.

Number 8 Sleeping, a bit of shut eye does you good. I can sleep if I’m tired, I can sleep when I’m not, I can sleep when I’m cold, I can sleep when I’m hot, I can sleep when I’m happy, I can sleep when I’m funny, I just can’t sleep on an empty tummy!

Number 7 Roaming, roam the house,
Oh, give me a home where I can roam
With the slippers and shoes I can play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And alone I can chew all day
Home, home on the range
With the mobiles and remotes I can play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And alone I can chew all day

Number 6 Shredding, shred the toilet paper, the ‘Andrex’ puppy does not have sole right to the toilet rolls. Remember the advert ‘soft, strong, and very long’, so try it and see how far you can get with it tied to your tail. If you’ve tried that and still need something to do, try chewing the mail, particularly those unwanted bills
Number 5 Running, run all the way to the top of the house and back down again repeatedly. For extra fun
leave the back door open and wait till the cat next door ventures in and start the process over again. Beware of skidding rugs!

Number 4 Raid the bin in the kitchen, like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark, there is always good stuff to find if you look hard enough. Memorable trophy finds include, bone from leg of lamb, yoghurt carton and stale cheese. Seek and ye shall find!

Number 3 Making the bed, help your human by re-making the bed properly. To do this turn clockwise in a circle at least twenty times, making sure the bedding comes with you. At the end, the bed should look like Mount Everest and with that climb to the top and have a little nap, you deserve it.

Number 2 Play with wallet/purse, there have been many a good time had chewing credit cards, membership cards and money. This helps your human cut down on spending so don’t be timid, just go for it. Do not forget that plastic is not good for you, but leather has plenty of nutrients and is good for your teeth.

And pop pickers at 

Number 1 Neighbourhood Watch, sit by the window and bark at anything that comes by. Remember homeland security is an important issue and make sure your human knows you’re up for the job. Leave large amounts of slobber on the window, scratch marks on the paint work and dog hair all over the upholstery. Your human will appreciate your dedication.

And so endeth Molly’s Boredom Busters!


  1. They all sound very fun! Roxy is doing number 8 and number 1 at the same time :)

    Stop on by for a visit.

    Flynnah & Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy, did stop by and looking forward to your story.
      Best wishes Molly

  2. Thanks for the tips mate! Shut eye has got to be my favourite every time! Deccy x

    1. Hi Deccy
      Thanks for the comment and have a great time snoozing.
      Best wishes Molly

  3. U is very smart! I will practice that stuff. :)

    1. Thank you Keisha and I hope you had a good weekend.
      Best wishes Molly

  4. Dearest Molly - thanks for that excellent reminder about top boredom busters. Ive opted for head of local neighbourhood watch ... Any excuse to hear the sound of my own voice while telling my human it's in the name if security!!! Stupid Ali falls for it every time! Anyways - top post dear Molly - this should be circulated to every dog school in the country! ��

    1. Homeland Security top job for us spy dogs.
      Best wishes Molly

  5. This is soooo funny and so true! When I was a little puppy I just loved to chew up the mail in to tiny bits, I also loved to play with Dads slippers in a manner that was quite rude! Neighbourhood watch is deffo my favorite along with the game of cat Chase! I sleep for most of the day but Mum leaves me toys out and likes to hide my food in and around them all over the house! It's so much fun! Oh Molly you look just like my mother, she was a cavalier spaniel! Love and Licks your new Pugalier Pal Frank x x x x

    1. Hi Frank, good tip with regards to hiding food around the house...will get my human to try it too.
      Best wishes Molly

  6. Forgot to say - that's a super pic of you guarding the homeland on neighbourhood watch duties! X��

    1. Thank you Ali I take my duties very seriously.
      Best wishes Molly

  7. For me it is 9 and 8, 9 and 8, 9 and 8........

    Love and licks, Winnie

    1. Hi Winnie , even better how about combine the two and have a kip in the garden. I would but we are seriously lacking sun and the rain hasn't stopped.
      Best wishes Molly

  8. heehee Molly dat is soo hilariouus! heehee! I fink dat I'z will try dem awll tomorows! heehee Ma dadder always leeves da radio onn furs me n I'z lovve to likky da windows! heehee! love pdorg xox

    1. Hi Posie and what do you like to listen to on the radio? I listen to the politics channel as it's such a laugh.
      Best wishes Molly

  9. Hi Remington here....thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you. I like your list -- esp. are good with words.... BTW -- I am going to follow, not around your kitchen, just in Blogland....I hope we can be great friends!

    1. Hi Remington, come follow my blog or if not follow me round my kitchen any day. Thank you for your kind comment.
      Best wishes Molly

  10. Hey Molly - I love the way you look SOOOOO cute and innocent whenever I see you in the park - butter wouldn't melt...never mind you secretly getting onto your owner's laptop & typing these hilarious blogs! Keep up the excellent work Molly - it's the bible for any dog who wants to be a top dog....can't wait for the next instalment....XXX

    1. Cheers and may the paw be with you!
      best wishes Molly

  11. Molly these were HILARIOUS!!! My Mom is sharing these because you had her laughing her head off!

    Our Dakota (have you seen his blog? Dakota's Den? There is a big give-away going on there at loves Number ONE the best!! Bark at anything and everything!!!! You rock Molly!

  12. Hiya and just joined via email. Lovely site and thank you for your comment. I rocks u rocks we all rocks.
    Very best wishes Molly

  13. This is very funny Molly!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Hi Oskar, you are very kind.
      Best wishes Molly and remember practice makes perfect!

  14. I have perfected Number 8! :)

    Thank you so much for your woofs and prayers for Tutu. They most certainly helped! :)

    Love, Whisky

    1. Hi whisky, glad to hear you have purrrrrfected No8. Hope Tutu is getting better with everyday.
      Best wishes Molly

  15. HI again, sure you can put up the post on your Sunday post. I don't usually blog much on the weekend, but I promise to stop by for a visit on Sunday!

    Thanks so much!

    Your pal, PIp

    1. Hi Pip Great you will be my first guest blogger on my Share It Sunday!
      Best wishes Molly

  16. Wow I didn't realise there was so much to do when you is ome alone! I will ave to start letting dad go into the office alone!

    Fanks for the information


    1. Hi Dalton , we aim to please. Next time you are alone have some fun and remember it's only naughty if you get caught.
      Best wishes Molly

  17. Gosh - so many excellent suggestions for losing the boredom bug.....I may have to give these a try - or at least the ones I THINK I can get away with! Thanks Molly.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  18. great list our mom has been working extra hours and we have dad to keep us company but we do have about an extra half hour to ourselves and we need something to do with that time

    urban hounds

  19. I think I've got 6 and 8 covered pretty good plus 1 without the barking. That was a fun list sweet Molly!

  20. 8 is my lucky number and 8 is my favourite activity when I'm bored too!


  21. YOU ARE THE BEST HOMELAND SECURITY anyone can have Miz are SURE to give your peeps a safe feeling of fuzzy love. YOU ARE so cute....

  22. Oh yes, we are familiar with all of these boredom buster tactics. We must have been to the same class for them! BOL! Have a great day Molly!

  23. BOL, Molly!!! We love your top 10 list! Neighbourhood Watch is our favourite thing to do. Bed making is fun, too. Yay!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  24. Molly my goodness!!! So you are the one Miss Poppy Seed goes to for boredom busting tips! I may have to curb her access to the internet - not difficult since it's a chancy thing lately anyway :-).

    Thanks for the face-cracking smiles,
    Nanina and Poppy

  25. Great post. Yes, we can't imagine staying home alone. We have each other and realize that we are very lucky on that score. We do like sleeping on top of each other, etc. But we'll take you up on #6 some of that shredding if HH would let us.

    Have a great weekend.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  26. These all sound like wonderful ideas!

  27. Number three is an absolute fav for my three!!!!!

  28. what about barking? That's my favorite boredom buster!

  29. Howdy Molly, we are experts at No 1 and 5. I, Stella, did contemplate No 2 (hehe, No 2s hehehe) ahem sorry for that immature outburst, but when mum saw me eyeing off her purse she threatened me with "going to live on a farm" which sounds nice but in her tone of voice, scarey at the same time, so I decided against it. Thanks for laughs Molly. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  30. We're gonna remember these in case we get bored. But we don't get bored too much cuz we play all the time. BTW, just wanted to mention we might not be around too much for the next week. Mom just painted the kitchen and mudroom and she is getting ready to do the living room/hall/stairway. She says she hates painting, oops she said to put that in caps, HATES painting and these big projects are miserable. Me and Stanley hate them cuz we get lonely.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. Wilson is OBSESSED with Homeland Security! He stays on duty day and night. I actually have to pull the shade down so he can't watch the street or he won't sleep!

  32. Pawsome list Miss Molly. We are pro's at 1, 8, 9 & 10 - the remainder would require us having free roam of the house and we don't need to remind you of the Fort Knox conditions our dad keeps us under *BOL* Little does he know that now we've won Occupy Couch we are starting on our plans for Occupy Bed!
    Wally & Sammy

  33. Those are the top ten. Love the home on the range song.

  34. Sounds good Molly, I will keep those in mind!
    Which is your favourite?
    Pippa :)

  35. Your Home on the Range song is perfect.... Pretty sure these have been posted for Milo, Dixie and Newby... especially Newby... he turns over every.single.bin in the house when I go out and leave him.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
