Friday 19 April 2013

Dog House Blog, Pupdate Update!

Hi everyone. 
We will be back to normal starting Sunday. Hope you will come by and visit. Paws crossed last day of the dreaded pills is tomorrow. Today I spat it out three times this afternoon and got peanut butter and jam all over my furs. LOL not. 
Squirrels limber up I am coming!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh good Molly...I'm so glad to hear you're feeling so much better and I hope Pip is too...Squirrels are spreading the word that Miss Molly is back and it's time to run

  2. Pills are no fun! Hooray for the last day of pills!

    Look out, squirrels!

  3. Glad that your are CONTINUING to RESIST the Pills... Keeps the peeps on their toes. SO glad that you are REALLY FEELING BETTER.

    See you in a few days.

  4. you poor baby!! You are almost done! Feel better soon!

  5. The days of mayhem for those squirrel is drawing to a close.

  6. Glad you're almost done with the pills! We use a "pill popper" to get pills into Duke and Maggie, it holds the pill on one end and has a plunger on the other to launch it down their gaping maws. They'll spit meds out if we hide them in food, no matter what we use!

  7. Hahaha. You sure aren't making it easy for your Mom, Molly! We hope Pip isn't as bad or your Mom might need pills to recover from YOU pills. LOL.

  8. Glad to hear you're nearly well enough to scare the living daylights out of some squirrels. This is really good news, except, of course, for the squirrels

  9. Does your human know about CHEESE?!? I just love cheese. See if she'll get you some yummy yummy cheese.


  10. Hope you stay well and don't have to take any more nasty pills
    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  11. Looks like the servant is on strike or just plain lazy. Glad you're feeling fit and ready to chase squirrels.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. Thinking of you and the marathon across the pond this weekend. Thank you for all the good vibes!

  13. sure hope this is the end of it!

  14. Only 3 times! You must be losing your touch. Hope your bro is feeling better too X

  15. Hello molly. Glad you're feeling a lot better. I haven't tried pills yet, and i hope i won't ever. The red liquid i'm taking now is awful as it is, what more the pills. Glad you're almost done with it.

  16. Oh I'm so glad that Elka pills easily! I'm also glad that you're almost done with yours ;)

  17. I'm glad my dogs aren't smart like yours and will fall for the old peanut butter trick.

    Here's to listening to your hilarious stories soon!

  18. I'm so happy you're feeling better and is coming back! My brother Barum likes his pills in the middle of a banana or even better with sausage!
    Licks from Pink

  19. Hip Hip Hooray - we can't wiat for your full return:) How is Pip doing?

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  20. Get better soon, Molly! I like my pills wrapped in Brie cheese :D


  21. When ya start demanding a beer that mean ya MUST be feeling better :)...soooo happy to hear that! I'm thinking your Mom might need some magical pills after all this is said and done and a 6-pack too! :) So happy you're doing better and Pip too I assume? Look out Squirrels...

  22. Glad you feel better but are you sure you wanna be Normal?


  23. Oh dear Molly, so sorry to hear that you were under the weather and I'm glad that you are feeling better now. Peanut butter and jam sound really really good though.


  24. The Squirrels are all shook up Molly knowing your coming back Sunday..Glad you are all on the mend. We have missed you xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  25. We are glad, you are feeling better!
    We love peanut butter!!!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hugs and kisses!

    Kaiser & Farrusquinho

  26. I'll give you your pills without peanut butter and jelly, and you won't spit them up either!

  27. I will visit you tomorrow, that's for sure :o) I always storage the pills in my cheek pouches and wait till the staff is busy with other things. Then I spit it in a flower pot or in an edge.... That's a good trick, but sadly the sideeffect is, that you will be still sick... Think I have to work on this strategy :o) Have a funny saturday :o)

  28. Hooray! Very glad to hear you are on the mend and causing havoc again :)
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  29. Yay for you Molly. Party time is over for those squirrels!

  30. We can relate. Thunder has been on three gigantic antibiotic pills twice a day since his teeth cleaning. Peanut butter is our friend, but sometimes he spits even those pills out.

  31. Oh Molly, I sure hope you are feeling better!! It makes me laugh when Sampson spits something out.
