Monday 6 May 2013

Dogton Abbey, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?


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The Cast!

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Bonsoir mes amis, it is I Her-Clue Paw-Row.  My little grey cells have been working overtime and I can feel my grey whiskers twitching once more. I have it mind that we don’t find the document signed. It will be a struggle but a marriage certificate will spell trouble and leave us all in a muddle.

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Now for Flossy The Flapper and was she a slapper? Ms Lemon open your note book and let us reveal what we have found about this flighty floozy. Was she a pooch who had a thing about hooch? Did the mutt shift her butt whilst doing the Charleston?

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

The Creepy Crawley Clan live in Dogsville in the state of Texas. But all is not well as Crawly Crawely and Bhaa-rd  Ma Ewe-ing are broke which is not a joke. There is a family rift and they are miffed and are now adrift searching a way out of a life of thrift.

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Flossy The Flapper was the black sheep of the family spending all day in bed with a hangover bad head and the night taking flight to the nearest speakeasy. She’d shuffle her butt and a dangerous figure she cut much to the tutt of her family.

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

For she was no bore and it was on the dance floor that Grand Pa Meany Weaney wanted more.

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

However the Foxy Flossy had her eye on a bigger pie, The Weenie gazillions. Did they get wed or was she misled and with a puppy bred, sped with fleeting paws fled?  

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?

Next week what was the family rift that left them so miffed and made them adrift searching a way out of a life of thrift? Could the creepy Crawley Clan get the mitts on Barka Levinsons’ bits? Stay tuned as we delve ever more deeply into the muddy waters that is Dogton Abbey. Will Her-Clue Paw-Row get a handle on the scandal?

Episode 2 Series 2, Was Flossy The Flapper Really A Slapper?


  1. Oh Goody another Dogton Abbey mystery :D

    Very cool you put it in video form too Molly - Fun!

    Waggin at ya,

  2. Oh Molly, it is so folly...sorry - don´t worry...funny - my human lady is full of - so - better called a lady....
    Stop....finally I´m a visitor and not an author...isn´t it?
    Wuff and LG
    have a wonderful monday....the smell of spring is in my nose

  3. WELL!!!!!!!! Miz Flossy dearest, you are a "fast" lady, a really broad, a real dame! WOW! I love your vintage pictures; you really show class...ttehehehehe....I have been on pins and needles waiting to see what will happen next at Dogton; you never disappoint! teeheee

  4. great episode and i love your hat and your tiara . definitely break out that tiara to celebrate when the great gatsby comes out uyou will look perfect for the roaring twenties

    urban hounds

  5. Wow the drama continues. When will the big reveal occur? I have to know.

  6. Molly you are the most beautiful flapper we know and blue looks very nice with your furs
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  7. Why does Flossy remind me of myself?


  8. Ooh Flossy was clearly a bit of a goodtime girl = can't wait to find out more. Molly you look absolutely beautiful posing for the black and white pictures as Flossy - you have real poise, and did Flossy have poise for the boys? I think she did - did she shuffle her ruffle? oh yes, but I suspect she was shrewd as well as lewd. Betty

  9. Love the video especially. Can't wait for the next episode.

  10. Think I'm in love now...Flossy you are hot!!!! I have a faible for the black sheeps:o)...and maybe she will share the Weenie Gazillions with me... I'm excited for the next episode....

  11. Flossy, Max is in BIG trouble with Chloe...she checked his computer history....1,000 looks at you!!! Me thinks someone has their eye on you ;)

  12. A dramatic drama!!! Oh, can't wait for the new episode!

  13. That sure was creep Crawley cool Molly!

  14. Oh Molly how I have missed you and Pip! You always make us chuckle! The creepy crawly clan ...bawhahahahaha!

    Cheers to Flossy! You only live once - keep on flapping Flossy!

    Your pal, Pip

  15. Yay for Dogton Abbey! I like how you made the video for the episode - very cool!

  16. It's good to keep track of your family tree.

  17. I love your sepaia photos! I really have to start watching this show! I think I am the only one who doesn't!

  18. OUr mom doesn't know alot about the abby show but our aunt dixie loves it!
    stella rose

  19. Intrigue and fast WIMMEN... what more could we ask fur???

    BRAVO Well done!!! MORE... we want MORE episodes.

  20. Happy Monday - we hope you had a great weekend!

  21. 5 PAWS rating by me!!!!! I lovs you Dogton Abbey!

  22. Oh, that Flossy! When she gets the Weenie Millions, remember your poor furiends Elyse and Riley!! ;)

    Hope you have a great Monday!

    Elyse and Riley

  23. I reckon this is better than the one on the telly, love the sepia look Molly, we love Sarge from yesterday. All behind Molly had intruders all over the weekend. Happy Bank Holiday xx00xxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  24. That video should win a BADFTA. (British Academy of DOG Film and Tele, of course!)

  25. Ooooh, that floozie flapper sounds like a bit of a tearaway! Hope Her Clue Paw Row can get to the bottom of the mystery.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  26. Oh Molly! I so enjoyed this episode of Dogton Abbey. I cannot wait for more.
    Love Noodles

  27. Oh my! We are peeing ourselves laughing! We loves the sepia tone also!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  28. I think she's innocent. You can't prove she's a floosy. Heh heh.

  29. I'm all a-flutter. giggles

  30. We are on the edge of our sofa! (Rita has couch privileges...) Can't wait for the next episode!

    (The sepia tone photos are so pawesome!!)

  31. Hmmm... I'm gonna answer... yes?


  32. I should just add that, in the world of cats, slappin' is a perfectly acceptable thing. Slappin', biffin', etc... All good. purrs

  33. Ahh Molly you make the most beautiful little flapper girl ever.Love the sephia (is that it) takes, you look like such a beauty!!!!

  34. Outstanding episode, Emmy worthy really!! I am hanging on for more

    Loveys Sasha

  35. I love watching that show with my peep! Your version was pawsome!

  36. I'm so excited for the next episode! In the meantime, wanna dance? :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
