Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Dog House Blog, We Never Owned An iPad!

Molly The Wally Sings!

Today we thought we'd have some Friday fun. As you all know we love a good karaoke and a good howl. So today we bring you the nostalgic 'We didn't own an iPad by hunkygraham1!' This song is a reworked Billy Joel song which reminisces about popular culture and events in the 1970s and 1980s. Sit back, enjoy and see how many things you remember. Oh those were the days! You will be humming this for some time. 

Have a fun filled Friday everyone.

Molly The Wally Goes Retro!

Wow and look our Friday is pawsome as we got this award from
Badger Boos' Daft Adventures.
We say a big thank you and we will put it on our awards page with pride.


  1. Hello my dear Molly,
    I watched the video and even if I didn't understand everything I'm happy because I understood a lot! It is very funny and very true! At least it is what mom says, I was not here at that time! :)
    Nice regards

  2. Good nostalgia Molly...Momz remembered most (she's ancient), but missed some of the 'very British' references...N matter...they've done a super job with this and she'll be humming it all day and coming back to watch it again..Happy Friday!

  3. Congratulations Molly. Oh what a glory time, Dallas was a must go on tv, cassettes and walkman (the batteries were always down after some minutes, how annoying)... Oh and the Fraggles ...where are the Fraggles? Has anyone an idea?
    Thanks for sharing this video.... oh all those memories...

  4. Oh that video brought back a lot of memories for Mommy and now she can't stop smiling.

  5. My mum must be really old cuz hers had some of them jelly shoes...and bracelets. Crap, hers remembers A LOT of dat stuff.
    What a horrible time fur da hoomans...hehehehe.


  6. Our Lady remembers a lot of that stuff and still doesn't have an iPad . . . we are sure if she got one we would never get attention (she has enough problems with her iPhone). Have a great day Molly. Lee and Phod

  7. Oh Miz Molly, you are a nostalgic little chickie! Thank you sweet friend, sluth extraordinaire, top-notch journalist, humouriste, mystic maven and the list goes on. LOVE YOU MIZ MOLLY!

  8. Hi Molly,

    Thats certainly a trip down memory lane,sad when you remember those things ...and guess what I can still live without an the way what ever happended to that horrible bird EMU!

  9. I don't have one either hehe. I think I have some of those furbies from your picture still too!

  10. Woof! Woof! Love the rubics cube. Yah we have an iPad. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  11. That was a GREAT video today Molly! Mommy is giggling away as she watched it numerous times.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. That was a great upbeat video, thanks!

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  13. I didn't own an iPad! Catchy little ditty. I don't own an iPad wonder why.
    Half Penny that has popped up in so many things this week now in a song.
    Thanks Molly
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. That was during my moms time and it wasn't always a pretty picture.....
    stella rose and mags
    have a great friday

  15. We I don't have one either!!!!! That video sure made Mom remember stuffs! Now her really feels...OLD!

  16. OMD OMD, that is too funny. Momma is a product of the late 70s so she knew a lot in this song! I will be humming it all day!

  17. Walking down memory lane was cool for Mom. Happy weekend!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  18. Great video a right blast from the past I'm just the right age to remember all of them and i still down't own an ipad. I'm going to have to share that.


  19. Mom just can't believe that she is already that old! Thanks for reminding her :)


  20. Oh Molly, loved the video, wow I'm old..LOL have a wonderful Friday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  21. I also love me a good howl.

    I'm glad you hate the furminator. We need to do something to ensure they are never made again.


  22. OMDs Molly that was a fun song and trip down memory lane. We hear David Hasselhoff is a big hit in the UK now.
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  23. I don't own an iPad, nor have I ever sent a text message! LOL! But I do remember many things in the least the ones from my side of the pond :-)

  24. Good one, Molly. Ma says she remembers lots of that stuff...oh dear dawg, she must be O-L-D. BOL

    Have a great weekend!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  25. That video was all full of new stuff!

  26. I no!...think I remember ALL of that!!! yep, I'm OLD :)

  27. Ohhhhhhhh, Myyyyyyy, Doggieeeeeee, Mom & Dad went nuts, yep they remember more then half that stuff, and they looked just as stupid in some of those clothes, Barharhar!

    The Mad Scots

    Pees; You sure do deserve that award Molly!

  28. I guess I'm an old git. Still don't own an iPad and don't text either. Thanks for sharing that!

    Susan and Wrigs

  29. That was fun Molly and my Dad remembers that stuff! Congrats on the nice award too!

  30. Molly, this one is absolutely brilliant!! :-D Oh man, Domeek is totally rocking and reminiscing about 75% of this stuffs! Hehehe, old humans!! ;-D Thanks for posting it! Must share on Facebook now...

  31. Oh goodness! Our Mom 'members that stuff! Have a good, memory-filled weekend! Purrs...

  32. It is fun Friday for sure. Congratulations on your cool award
    Benny & Lily

  33. What a FUN trip down Memory Lane. Have a super Friday dear furend.

  34. Congrats on that award, Molly. Mom loved the remake of that song - she remembered a lot of those things. The little bipeds here get a big kick out of watching The Goonies.

    Thanks for the fun.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  35. Dang! I can't get the video to work. I think it's my slow computer! Oh well.

    Have a great weekend and congrats on the award!

    Elyse and Riley

  36. SHE remembers most of it! Thanks for sharing. SHE still doesn't own an iPad or a mobile phone for that matter.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  37. Congrats on your award Molly! Have a great Friday!

    your pal,

  38. Our mom can remember all of that (and more). She loves Billy Joel. My pawrents paid lots of green papers to see him with Sir Elton.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  39. Molly....
    Thank-you for your sweet comment the other day!! It touched my deepest emotions!! I definitely felt your love!! Well!! As you very well already know, my Secretive Writing Project is officially finished!! As of yesterday!! So, I'm baaaack!! ;)
    Congrats on earning the REALITY Blog Award!! You deserve it, Friend!! ;op
    Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

  40. My mama no knows some of these things cause her no was around in the 70s! You know whats, the people who made this video maybe no has ipads, but they is very good with video editing software! We likes GPS very much, it keeps us from getting lost. Mama gets lost a LOT.


  41. Lubbs yeu so berry much!!! Whee treuly deu!!!

  42. MOL! Our mommy doesn't have an ipad either (it's an android - haaa).

    Concats on your award!

  43. Oh wow, what a trip down memory lane. Our Mama says she remembers over half of the things in the video. She even owned a pair of moon boots way back when. She is old....

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  44. Happy weekend and congrats on your award!

  45. Congrats on your award and love the video...but now I feel older...well not mentally anyway :)

  46. You do find the most interesting things Molly. I often wonder how much time do you really spend on the interwebs? ;-)

  47. Molly you always make us chuckle. Have a good Wednesday.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  48. That's funny and congratulations on your award!

  49. Congrats on the badger award!!
    We cannot vie the video but we know it must be funny!
    Hugs madi your Bfff

  50. I am enjoying these old

  51. Hehe and congratulations on your award!

  52. Nice award... Congrats to you.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  53. Congrats on your award! The video reminded me more of my KIDS childhood, OMD I am OLD!

  54. Thanks for this post, dear Molly! Mom said, she can remember this time, as she was lost by using a map (she thought the rail network is the highway-UH!)and she had tons of hairspray on her head. btw: I miss the Fraggles.

  55. Congratulations on your award, Molly!
    Mom loved going back in time to the 80's!!
    But, she DOES own an iPad :)

  56. That's a catchy little tune. Mom will be singing and dancin around all day now. What's even worse.....she remembers all that stuff AND she still doesn't have an IPAD!


  57. Those were the days fur sure! Congrats on the award Molly!

  58. Mom had that song in a cassette tape. Haha! She likes billy joel. Concats on your award!

  59. I love this song! We never owned an

  60. Yep, stuck in our heads now. And neither did we! BTW, LOVE your scarf clips! Purrs...

  61. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Congrats on your award, you sure do deserve it!

  62. Well of course I am far too young!! But the aged human remembers most of that lol even when the ipad had wings!! MOL xx

  63. My mom says it is simply scary how fast things change and how she talks about things sometimes and kids have no idea...okay, she is old but I did not think that old! I'm sure everyone will laugh at the ipad one day too!

  64. my mummy was crazy about hercabbage patch doll

  65. Ha roo roo roo! We certainly don't know about any of that OLD stuff, but Mom sure does! What a fun video!
    Play bows,

  66. I only remember some of those things (was born in the 80's)! Cool little song parody though!

    Congrats on your award!! :)

    Elyse and Riley

  67. My hoomin friend says that stuff is neat. :) I do too. :)

  68. Did I miss a couple of days? Is it Friday already? TW remembers some of that stuff. She even owned that issue of Smash Hits, which was only sold at one magazine store in NYC.

  69. My Mum says she remembers way too many of those things! She's ancient! :)

    Have a fun day

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  70. Love the video! I don't remember a lot of that stuff since I was born in the late 80s, but I still enjoyed it. :)

    And congrats on your award!

  71. Hi!! I created another Blog today--just for diverse Writing Projects!!--check it out at this address, if you would like!! ;) .
    PS. I remember this post, Friend!! ;op

  72. On wow, that was a fun trip down memory lane. Our mama remembers all those things and is amazed at how much things have changed. No iPads here either but she has an Android tablet and phone.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  73. I feel like I say the same thing in every comment but you really do find the most amazing things!!
