Saturday, 24 August 2013

Slog It Blog It, Geography Made Easy!

Molly The Wally Does Some Studying!

Googles’ Autocomplete Makes The World A Better Place?

Today we are going to have a geography lesson? Actually no we are not but we are taking a look at the hilarious results from Googles’ search engines autocomplete which shows us what we really think of the world. Autocomplete functions are designed to help the Internet user find information quickly by throwing up a number of predictions. These predictions are based on previous searches made by all web users as well as those who have used the computer to perform a particular search. The search giants’ autocomplete function throws up what users have really been searching for and they range from the accurate, the insulting, to the strange and bizarre. Some are suggested when a place name is simply typed into search, while others appear when the user keys in the location followed by 'is'. 

The results show France becoming bacon, Britain is a trap while Ireland is Atlantis. 

Oh and America doesn’t get off lightly either. Idaho is stupid and Kansas is flatter than a pancake, whilst Florida is crazy and Tennessee is replaced with, nice but it ain't. 

Oh dear some of it is spookily accurate for us!


  1. LOL! I was raised in New Jersey....and it's a dump! Poor Jersey, it gets such a bad rap, but it actually has many nice areas. It was quite rural where I lived.

  2. Thanks Molly, that actually explains a lot!!!

  3. ....hahahaha Molly - you are the best ;o) ...where is my bacon?..."eataly" - hahaha how great!

  4. haha. I could barely get past that first picture! So awesome. I wish Sherm would let me dress him up. :) I have to photoshop glasses onto his face.

  5. there is truth in oddness ......

  6. It says weird where I live. hahahha oh so funny.

  7. My state says bankrupt - not too far from the truth!

    Your pal, Pip

  8. MOL MOL MOL....NC is not in the SOUTH....oh that is funny. If they came here in July they would be singing a different tune. Hotter than He double hockey sticks.....and humidity often equals the temperature at the same time
    Hugs Madi a True Southern Belle!!

  9. Our OHIO says FOR LOVERS !!! THAT's US !! FUR SURE!! I Love my Ruby and Penny and I "THINK" Ernie just might love his Foxy Roxy... butt I am not TOTALLY sure. I know he likes her... a LOT.

  10. We are NOT flatter than a pancake!!!! Well, not in our part of the state. North of us and to the west is...
    Play bows,

  11. BOL! Molly, tou're so funny!!!! Love your glasses!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Well, NY is slightly hostile, but killing me?!?! BOL Molly!

  13. This is really funny! Hey, was there one for Asia?

  14. I'd like to see them pull a scooter in "flatter than a pancake" Kansas! Apparently they haven't been to Kansas city.

    We may agree about Missouri being the worst state though!


  15. The US one is really funny!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  16. I SEE MY HOME STATE OF CALIFORNIA IS BROKE, but my current state of Minnesota is BETTER THAN WISCONSIN..and that is the general attitude, for real!

    HEY THERE MIZ MOLLY! Getting ready for the red carpet tomorrow????

  17. Hehe Texas is ON FIRE! Go Texas! Although I guess that probably just means it's really hot here.

  18. Aahahahah .. eataly!
    What strange maps!
    Have a nice weekend, Molly.
    Woof, woof,


  19. Very strange. Computers are weird sometimes.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  20. I saw another one of these for the US that was even funnier because it was so rude (and so true!) lol

  21. Ireland/Atlantis? Hm, we will have to look into that one! :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  22. That is funny (and Utah is weird).

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Online Doods

  23. It doesn't show rain fall either :-) Go easy on the critters molls, cos it's been dry and they are probably out and about again... Keep safe too x x x x x x
    Luvs Freya Rose blossom X

  24. New Jersey—A DUMP!!! Why I oughta …
    Have a good weekend.

  25. Mom was from a gorgeous part of New Jersey, not a dump n her book. BOL
    Benny & Lily

  26. Hey, we are ....Faster. Hmmm, faster than what I wonder? ha


  27. OMD, that's hilarious! Oops, Rosie lives in a trap. Haha :))
    Anything about ASIA too?

  28. LOL we live in a trap.. So funny Molly :) Playing catch up again..Have a wonderful day xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  29. Ho funny...they sure have Florida right

  30. OMG, it says that CT is boring! We hope that everyone doesn't think that WE are!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  31. HAVE A LOVELY SATURDAY : ) (we love your sun glasses)

  32. Oh my goodness, we live in the worst state!

    Critter Alley

  33. Oh my goodness, we live in the worst state!

    Critter Alley

  34. Bacon,that would be great! I think I love this world :o) As my mom was once in Madrid, a friend sent her a sms: enjoy Italy! Have a great Saturday, dear Molly

  35. MOL we beg to differ...North Carolina is in the South and if you heard my mom talk you'd know what I mean...Just Sayin'
    Hugs madi your bfff

  36. We think we need to move to France. It says BACON!

  37. You just never know what autocorrect is gonna do next sweet Molly!

  38. At least they got my state right! Minnesota is better than Wisconsin!!! LOL!

  39. LOL! I didn't get all the same results you did, but some. Kansas is boring. I knew that. I put in my dog Maya's name and apparently Maya is awesome. I knew that already too. :)

  40. BOL - Kansas is flatter than a pancake!!! Mom says you can't prove that to her after she huffs and puffs while walking us up and down the local hills:)

    Very funny, Molly.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  41. Florida IS crazy but NJ isn't a dump. Hey, I live there. I should know.

  42. Hehe I remember this one. Definitely a blast from the past!

  43. There are no words ….. predictive or not!!! mol

  44. BOL!! Oh we do LOVE Google!!

  45. Italy is eataly thats for shure! The food here is great! :)
