Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Flog It Blog It, Whiney Wednesday.

Molly The Wally Goes To Japan!

Move over cat nip your days are numbered. Yep all you kitties you have read it right. We pop over for a quick visit to our favourite crazy country, the land of the rising sun today.  A company B&H Lifes has started selling wine made exclusively for cats. Nyan Nyan Nouveau (nyan is Japanese for meow) doesn't actually contain any alcohol but it is a concoction of grape juice, Vitamin C and catnip. It was created after the company apparently had many requests from customers who wanted to do things like celebrate Christmas and birthdays with their cats. At $4 a bottle a puss wanting to get pissed can have a steal of a deal. The downside is it comes with a super irritating video. LOL bet you can't watch it till the end? We tired and failed so we are off to hit the bottle now.....

Have a wonderful whiney Wednesday all.


  1. You are right, Molly, I couldn't watch til the end!! MOL Well maybe I could with the sound off, but life's too short!! xx

  2. GOOD GLORY that was wild! tehehhehee....I prefer dogs. YES!

  3. well we cant see the video but we have heard of this product and have to say it seems catnip powder is just as good

    urban hounds

  4. Morning my lovely Molly lookin' good girl friend.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Well hell, I thinks I will opt fur my Budlight nows...12 of them.


  6. challenge accepted, Molly! I was waiting for 3:37 that something will happen. Sadly at the end the cat was still looking like a slice of toast and I need a bottle of valerian now instead of "nyang nyang noveau"
    hahahahaha good one! I would like to know how much peeps&pets are brave enough to hang on for 3:37

  7. Couldn't sit through it all, so skipped to the end and were disappointed. But love the product idea. The Japanese are so creative! Lee and Phod

  8. Wonderful, entertaining video that I've been watching over and over, I wish I could put it in loop mode to play all day.
    Happy Opposite Day!

  9. Ah so that's what nyan means. You know there is a nyan cat video that will play for something like 100 hours on YouTube?

  10. OK 34 the whole thing like that? Pretty funny idea though. Drunk kitties in Japan.

  11. There were cat video awards just recently in Minnesota I think and this one was there. Molly you make a lovely Geisha girl. Love Dolly

  12. We don't even knows what to say about that.....geeze louise!
    stella rose

  13. I had a headache. Seriously, what was that??? You're right. It was super irritating.

  14. I did, I turned the volume down, have I won a prize LOL xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  15. MOL we can see where that vid would make ya hit the bottle. HAA! Hey! Meow Meow Nouveau sounds like a FINE year. Yep a WINE varietal and...and... stuff. MOL!

  16. That video doesn't do much to sell the product, that's for sure!

  17. Hey there Molly - surprize surprize - it really iz us Beaglebratz stoppin'by. You r so nice tue alwayz leeve commentz on our bloggie an'we don't git around much sumtimez so we just d-sided we HAD tue stop by an'say HI! You know us houndz, we just hafta stick with our beer butt catz now - they iz more sofisticated than we r so they can just haf all the wine they want. We Beaaglebratz r gonna share Puddles beer.
    We can't watch the video on our telepathic wavestream that we hazta uze when mom iz at werk so we will watch it when she gitz home - all the commentz got uz REAL curious now.
    Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

  18. OMD that was... it was... Ummmm well we don't EVEN know how to describe it.

  19. OH My! How is anybody expected to watch that for very long.Ha ha

  20. Cant see what the video does for the wine! How ridiculous the whole idea is! although Ambercat does like a good cup of tea with one sugar - maybe I could market that for cats? I

  21. I don't have volume on the computer at work, so I couldn't hear anything, but I watched the video. Didn't seem so bad with the sound off. bol

  22. You were right, we lasted 35 seconds before saying **** that!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  23. LOL Molly, if you can't do it, I'm not even going to try~

  24. LOL! Couldn't make it past 22 seconds! Too funny!

  25. BOL! Wine fur cats, what a hoot! Love your picture 'though Molly! {{hugs}}

  26. I need to buy that wine for my cat bro Bert! The video, well, Mom spent a lot of time in Japan and says that the irritating stuff is normal over there, we didn't watch the entire video either.

  27. Love fast forward!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  28. Dang, how did we miss that wine stuff!?!?

  29. That video makes me want to drink! Pass the cat nip and grape juice. :)

  30. Oh yeah, that video is "challenging".

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  31. MOL for the video!
    I saw that but grapes are supposed to be bad for kitties...

  32. Hey Molly, Just the music made us up chuck, about one minute was enough, Hey Bites Get dads booze bottle if we are gonna watch this!

    The Mad Scots

  33. Hey Molly!
    Wow, I think liquor-ing up the kitties is a stupendously bad idea! Funny, but bad! BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  34. Ummmm - what was the point of that video???

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  35. I couldn't finish the video I guess I'm not drunk enough yet.....bring on the booze.

    Aroo to you,

  36. Kitty wine?! What will they think of next. Beamer's had Bowser Beer, but he wasn't exactly a fan.

    Nyan cat is awesome!

  37. BOL!!! C R A Z Y!!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  38. I had to stop the video at 25 seconds. I need a drink! I think that's the plan.

  39. I love love love the music! It's annoying and it kills me to death! Gaahh! It's a cat conspiracy, I tell ya!

  40. I totally didn't get that video, but yeah I did end up watching all of it. It was so annoying, but it did made me giggle! lol!

  41. Oh Molly we just want to screams at this about driving a person to drink..if this is whats on tv no wonder the poor kittehs there need booze...just sayin....hugs Fozziemum xx

  42. Hey Molly

    How come Cats get catnip and now wine and us doggies don't? What's going on? :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
