Sunday 14 September 2014

Share It Sunday, Zoe Schnauzer!

Nominated by last weeks guest blogger Mr.Jack Freckles!

I'm so fuzzy!

I got nom-ee-nated (thanks Mr. Jack Freckles) to be a part of Molly's  Share It Sunday
Thanks furs for bein part o' the fun here on this Bloggy thingy! An since my typist ain't too swift, I'm gonna post this now stead of waitin fur a few days. So yule be seein this again Sunday ofur at Molly's place. Nefur can get enuf of a good thing! Bol!

I'm so fuzzy,
Oh, so fuzzy,
I feel fuzzy an hairy an cute!
An I pity
Any pup who isn't me to boot.?

Ok, so it had to rhyme. Yeah, an I just made that up, off the top of my fuzzy lil head.

I am workin this fuzzy deal, lemme tell ya.  I ain't been groomed since way long time ago when Me an Tux stayed ofur night at the Pet Lodge place.
Mommy's been tellin me how fuzzy I am. Yeah, I'm jus that cute.
Gets me more cookies. All's I have to do is give that fuzzy lil urchin look an Bam! here comes a cookie. Well, most of the time.

I'm so fuzzy,
Oh, so fuzzy,
I feel fuzzy and hairy an cute...
Whut happened affer my lil song up there? Me an Tux got tossed in the S-Caw-Pay an rode an rode to the Pet Lodge. Tux to go to doggie day care, me to get groomed/tortured an hair shrinkied.
It wuz a turrible time. But I ain't fuzzy no more, no more.

Zoe Schnauzer!

Continuing to give something back on 'Share It Sunday'
We all share and we grow together.
Pop over and say hello and make a new friend.

From the author Molly The Wally.


  1. Zoe has a most happy face..I can nearly see her little body wiggling too
    Madi your bffff

  2. I love all y'all! You fuzzy wuzzy babies! Ain't Miz Molly the best?

  3. Hey! That's me up there!

    Thanks Molly fur makin this bloggie thingy such a fun place!

  4. it is ok to not be fuzzy anymore since you will look adorable fuzzy or not... we have two that know how to give the I am adorable please give me a treat look....

  5. I'm so fuzzy, oh so fuzzy... na wait, I'm smooth coated, but that song is so infectious, I have to sing a long the whole time now.... many thanks for sharing such a cool girl, Molly!

  6. Fuzzy no more? Noooooooooo! We all like fuzzy.
    Thanks for sharin your new friend Molly.

  7. Awe...Zoe is adorable! Parental Unit has a soft spot in her heart for Schnauzers. Her first dog when she was a kid was a Schnauzer named Benjie:-) She still favors dogs with mine!

  8. What a cute, funny and talented woofie. We are definitely going to stop by for a visited. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Nice to meet you! How did you get your ears to stand tall like I that? I keep trying but it is't working!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Remember, tomorrow starts our week long "Road To The Great Debate"!

  10. I love Zoe she's great!

    Aroo to you,

  11. Cute :D Pawkiss :)

  12. Zoe you are one silly pup :) Glad you are on Molly's blog!

  13. Foley Monster and Pocket said exactly the same comment I was going to make! You really are a cutie!

  14. Hi Zoe, I am Sasha and it is very nice to meet you! You are very fuzzy and that is just fine by me.

    Loveys Sasha

  15. Hmmm......I wonder if your fuzzy? BOL!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
