Monday 26 January 2015

A Sit Down Protest On Moanday Monday!

So she who must be obeyed ignored takes me for my lark in the park every day and then I can go and terrorize my territories and hunt vermin to my hearts content. Well in theory as sometimes she says I get too carried away. My eyes go amber and I go all crazy and that is when I loose all control according to my peeps. Well the other day there were so many squirrels taunting me I kind of lost it. Peeps thought I should calm down and go home. No way was I agreeing to that and after a good ten minutes trying to round me up she eventually caught me. Drats I thought I am not putting up with that when the squirrels are asking to be deaded. So I sat down, yes I placed my butt firmly on the ground and staged a sit down protest. I was as determined as a barnacle stuck to the hull of a ship not to move from the spot. She pulled, I stayed rooted and so the fight ensued with her muttering some not very nice words as she tried to move me. Eventually she dragged me butt down through the woods. So back at home I spent the days giving her the stinky eyes and quietly laughing when she moaned she now had back ache. Serves her right for ruining my fun I say. Do your peeps stop you from enjoying yourself.?

Have a marvellous Moanday all. 


  1. Oh Molly! I didn't realise you could be THAT stubborn!!! (I won't tell William, or he might try the same...hang on a minute - he does!) drats.

  2. Goodonya Molly! I'm pretty good with the stink eye AND the scratchy bitey. We critters have to make our feelings understood! MOL

  3. Oh I'm in your team Molly, walkies are our time and we SHOULD be allowed to enjoy them to the full and if that involves serious squirrel chasing, so be it!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Good work letting mom know how you feel
    retro rover

  5. Oh MIZ MOLLY! You are a handful, but the cutest at that! She who must be obeyed is right I have to have to follow the rules, you know! Be nice to your human, after all, humans need to be understand for their ways. :)))))

  6. Denny is like that when he goes to the vets - he splats himself down on the ground like a suction cup and refuses to move :)

  7. MOL MOLLY it is amazing how a petite pup like you can turn into a cement block when she has her mind set.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. I'm shur they'd rather have yu get yur wildness out outside than bringin it back home inside.

    Good times yu had!

  9. People can be unfair. I guess you showed her BUTT I am glad your rear was no worse from all that

  10. Sometimes our peeps have no sense of humour....couldn't she see you were just "playin' around?" Hoomans....can live with them....can't run the can opener without them!

    Stinkeye is always effective though.....

    1. Sorry...that should have been "can't live with them..."

  11. Squirrels are crazy and can sure have that affect on anyone Molly!

  12. such a sit in is a great way to give them a statement... and I'm a pro... I'm too fat... I mean... I'm too big that she could carry me away... sadly my dad can... I need more food! Have a great monday, hope tomorrow you can get 87 squirrels.
    Easy Rider

  13. We know of such restrictions! Right this very minute there are aliens from the Empire Heating and Cooling company here in our own house! It's an outrage! We think 50° indoors is nice and comfy, but apparently the humans say it's too chilly for them, so they have to get the furnace thing fixed. Meanwhile we are confined behind closed doors in our ghostwriter's office. It's an outrage, we tell you!

  14. All the time. They won't let me eat what I find on my walks. What happened to "finders keepers"?

  15. I always say UNFAIR. After all, the squirrels are supposed to be deaded by us. Isn't that what they're there for?

    PeeS...I like your rainbow leash! Very becoming with your black furs!


  16. at least you picked a beautiful fence to Park Yourself... in our house Baby Girl is the Parker Extraordinaire... she only weighs 50 pounds but she can not be moved when she will not be moved. try to push her out of the way and she stiffens her legs and it is like shoving on a car.

  17. molly, you are a devil dog sometimes!

  18. Molly, how awful that you had to stage a protest in the first place. Yes, our human ruins our Good Times too, in other ways. Maybe it's part of their DNA makeup, to be such spoil sports.

  19. Your sit and stay breaks are just as good as ours
    Lily & Edward

  20. Poor Molly. We all get a little crazy sometimes. Why only today Dip tried to bite the vet and was prevented. Hope your sit down protest works - don't forget to get up for food though...
    Dip and Elliot x

  21. MOLLY.... this is so Disturbing... WHY would "SHE" want you to Leave when CLEARLY you were NOT ready to ??????? You had SQUIRRELS to Deaded.... you had STUFFS to Sniff... and ROLL in..
    THIS is ALL WRONG... She DESERVES that Stink Eye...

  22. I think you have a mind of your own Molly!

  23. Yes those peeps. I don't know what they are thinking. I want to eat our barn cats or the small mongrels next door, but does she let me??? Noooo!!!

  24. We are always leashed and under THEIR control! Yes, our peeps are a HUGE pain!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  25. Molly, your stubborn streak is showing. Our mom says she would have picked your furry butt up and carried you, but then she doesn't know how much you weigh. It might be too much. We say," "Good job on imposing your will on the human." Mom wants to know where that photo was taken? She says it looks very familiar. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. Squirrels.....that says it ALL! It's like cats, here. You HAVE to chase them!

  27. Dear Molly,

    The people are both chauffeurs, and also at times fun wreckers, yes. You look very beautiful in your picture today.


  28. Sounds like you, Bailie and I need to work together...almost a carbon copy of the issues in my post today. Moms need to start to "get it".

  29. good job Molly!!! I often sit down and refuse to budge! Well done, YOU! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  30. Oh boy...we know all those humans being stubborn. We call our Mama the "Fun Monster" because she always steals all the fun!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  31. I stop their fun all the time! Otherwise they would be eating poop, chasing deer and fox, raiding the fridge....It would be a mess if I didn't keep a close eye on things!

  32. Molly, Molly, Molly, you've stolen my best tactic! Mom thinks I've outgrown it, but I used to regularly do the sit down move every time she tried to walk be a way I didn't want to go, or still, when she's trying to get me to leave the park. She'd do the same thing, pick me up and carry me, much to her aching back also! Love Dolly

  33. Oh Molly, you remind me of our stubborn beagle who would do the exact same thing!

  34. Emma had squirrel trouble today too. I think giving them an official Squirrel Appreciation Day has gone to their tiny heads and made them power hungry. They must be stopped!!

  35. Honestly....NO, in fact Dad sometimes gets into our barking and running like mad with us! He is a nut!

    The Mad Scots

  36. Crikey if I'm on the chase I'm completely in the zone. No-one but no-one can stop me. Well done I say!! Gotta show 'em who's boss, aye??

  37. BOL! Oh Molly, you sound as stubborn as Shiner. And Shiner says yes, I ruin her fun all the time!

  38. The peeps can be such buzz kills. Don't they know we will never rest, until every single squirrel is GONE! Well done Molly, stick to your principles!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  39. All the time. Any time I bite one of the peeps, they scream and yell at me. If it’s TW she stops playing with me for days or is it hours.

  40. hahaha!!!! Way to be Molly!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  41. Paws way up to you Molly!! They must be put in their place on a regular basis or they might think they are in charge.

    Loveys Sasha

  42. Beamer sometimes sniffs a spot for too long and I have to pull him away from it. Then we go home and I spoil him with treats, so it's all good!

  43. My momma always stops me from startin fights. She's no fun.

  44. Heck yeah, the peeps always break up the fun when they put the trash can out of my reach when it has yummy snacks inside.

  45. Always, dear Molly, always! I would like to chase the stupid geese lingering on the meadow? No way, she is already calling me back (but sometimes I am quickier and I fool all!)
    Or I want to show the young dogs who is the park boss? She stands already near me and says no again!

  46. My uncles dog will sit down when she has had enough of her walk. She's a golden retriever and has been known to pull this stunt in the middle of the road!

  47. If I am not finished reading the pee mail, I put on the brakes; if Lady heads in the wrong direction, I put on the brakes, if I am not ready to go in...brakes plus stinky eye. Unfortunately for me she can still pick me up.

  48. BOL - all the time!

    Monty and Harlow

  49. Molly, I wonder if your mom mumbles under her breath when you decide to make your own choices. Just humor her and it will melt her heart.
    Happy Day!
    Noreen & Hunter

  50. Do they? ALL.THE.TIME. *huff* Humans!!

  51. We always get our way because we are so stubborn and our mom is a wimp. Your mom should just give it up if she wants to stay in one piece!

    Kiki and Nala

  52. At least you tried to stay at the park. Poor mum's back. Maybe she's learned her lesson and you'll get extra squirrel-chasing time next visit? The only one around here that doesn't seem to get shut down is Patrol Sergeant Zuzu and her unending permit violations!

  53. All the time Molly. The peeps are spoil sports

  54. Oh MY Miss Molly! This is a MOANday Monday! She would have been better off carrying you! Hope the rest of your week goes better!

  55. My hoomins would do that if I tried to eat a wood chip.

  56. YOU GO Miss Molly! ... or should that be YOU STAY Miss Molly! Ok, now we're confused BUTT the point is: we support you.
    Wally & Sammy

  57. Oh yes, they stop me enjoying myself a lot - I'm busy licking my butt and they grab me like a stuffed toy and shove me at the door - saying 'go on, you know you want to' there's a blast of cold air through the door and a foot up my butt coaxing me forward - I definitely don't want to - why would I? they do this twice a day and then I have to claw the door and yell at them to let me in 10 minutes later - to wind them up I then ask to go out 5 minutes after that and do it all over again. If I go for a walk along the fence, they yell at me to come back - I don't understand these people at all because if THEY want to go for a walk, they yell at me to come with them when I'm busy grooming myself) and everyone has to go just because THEY want to. There are no squirrels round here yet but I wouldn't mind chasing a few on your behalf Mollie, but theres an annoyingly large number of great tits buzzing up and down on my bit of fence, she keeps feeding them and talking to them - wish she'd do that to me. I'm having a bad day. Ambercat.

  58. All the time Molly!we are not allowed to lose our cheese over the roos..or the rabbits..funnards our peeps..BOL..paw pats Forrest and Doc xx
