Tuesday 30 October 2012

Dog House Blog, Police Get Ghost Busted!

Molly The Wally does The Blair Witch Project.

Police receive hundreds of emergency calls because of Halloween.

During Halloween, witches, ghosts and ghouls regularly roam the streets and needless to say the police will be gearing up to investigate a number of spooky happenings. The police in the past have received hundreds of calls from freaked out Brits who are convinced they are being haunted, chased by zombies and stalked by ghouls and vampires. Previous emergency calls have included reports of a poltergeist stealing car and house keys and a devil possessing a doll. Opps Chucky is back again! Among the 26 calls to Gloucestershire Police was one from a woman saying a poltergeist had locked her out of her home after she returned from dinner at a pub. Maybe it was less poltergeist activity and more to do with ‘spirits’ consumed. There were reports of zombies roaming across fields and even one of werewolves trying to break down a front door. Police investigating the zombie incident in Wales discovered it was actually the set of a horror film being shot at Pembrey, Carmarthenshire. One caller demanded the police send ‘Ghostbusters’ round seemingly unaware that it was a hit 1980s film and not real. Was that because there was something strange in the neighbourhood we ask? Norfolk is a popular bloodsucking area with five reported sightings of vampires and Merseyside police were called seven times with reports of ghosts and witches. Lincolnshire Police logged five incidents involving vampires, two concerning werewolves, nine involving zombies and 20 calls about wizards. Harry Pot Head again! Officers in the West Midlands dealt with 57 sightings of ghosts. The ghosts at properties had been nothing more than shadows on the walls. Needless to say most spooked callers were told to stop drinking and go back to bed. 


  1. Hahaaaa that's funny because we are pretty sure our house is hunted you see, it was built over what was "the commons", over 400 years ago, and they all burnt down to ashes! When we garden sometimes we unearth old artifacts, and burnt pots! And in the 1800's there are police reports of missing girls and a man hung himself !!! Sweet dreams hehe
    Lots of lovee from Indigo and Malach

  2. Mommy wants to know what they were drinking and where can she get some of it?? Ha!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  3. YIKES! British police are BUSY during this season! I agree Miz Molly, LESS SPIRITS CONSUMED, LESS SPIRITS SITED!!!!!!!!

    Hugs you darling little pooch, YOU! Anita

  4. What a scary place to live!!
    Lovies, Miss Mindy

  5. BOL... but I would call the police too for Chucky , this beast is really scary... or for Catweazle - moms nightmare of her childhood :o)

  6. Oh my Dog, that was hilarious!
    We wish we were a fly on the wall when the calls came into those police stations - at least it must have cheered up their day.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  7. Scary! Must be lots of goblins around.

  8. Hmmmmm...is that why I got a busy signal when I tried to report being eaten by a ZOMBIE????

  9. I've been trying to get to the halloween bakes but I didn't find any treats.. Am I going to the wrong place..Mail me the link :) xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Sounds like we better lock the doors and bolt the windows. We maybe on our own with the police being so busy.

  11. Hi Molly,

    Looks like the police may have to put out a ghost number to call, and set up their own Halloween Flying Squad to deal woth all those troblesome nasties that come out after dark. I'm armed and dangerous with my own anti spirit kit, a bottle of Coke!

  12. Haha! "Stop drinking and go back to bed!" :) This post cracked us up, thanks for that!

    Creepy sticks back there...!

    Elyse and Riley

  13. Sounds like a good place to avoid during Halloween!


  14. While not police related...in my area on Halloween, hackers have been known to get into the controls of lit-up street signs (the kind that usually warn of road construction and such) and will change the sign to read "Zombies Ahead, Proceed at your own Risk!" or some such silly nonsense. It's always good for a laugh!

  15. Why is everything so spooky?

  16. Molly, sounds like Jolly Ol England has some spooky problmes or lots of drunks, Heeheehee, Hope your howl-o-weenie is a good one, see you tomorrow.

    Your Furiends
    Susie & Bites

  17. That is so funny! Thanks for the smile, my friend!

  18. Hey MOlly I reckon you have ghosts in your posts - some of the words are blue and when you place your mouse over them a box pop ups like a boo and says - do you want to win an ipad type boo. I think ghosties are all over the internet this halloween and we will have to watch out

    1. Thanks for your msg Molly - you are a very clever girl - them ghosties are not in your posties they are in my computer! you are right - I will let them lurk for Halloween and then banish them forever - thanks for explaining. Betty x

  19. Molly your posts always put a smile on our faces....
    Well done
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  20. thank goodness the full moon has passed!

  21. We are totally convinced we are living in the wrong country. Seems like all the fun action is happening there. Can't wait to hear your next report.

    Hope no one mistakes us for werewolves:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  22. Humans are so so crazy. Seriously.


  23. Now you state "The ghosts at properties had been nothing more than shadows on the walls" do ghost really cast shadows?? Maybe the police are looking up the wrong alley.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  24. Stop drinking and get to bed. Probably excellent advice for everyone! BOL!

  25. Bipeds. You know? 'Course you do.
    Play bows,

  26. Um....so did they send out any ghostbusters to that one dude?

  27. Dear Molly,

    Did you say STICKS? Where?!?!

    I do not like this time. I agree with the people, there are many scary things. I will just hide in my house in my bed, thank you very much!


  28. It doesn't sound as though the police take these things seriously!!

  29. Sounds like they may have to check the consumption of Halloween cider....BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

  30. Bwhaha, Molly, your posts make our day!


  31. I'll be wearing my pony mask tomorrow just in case I get mistaken for a werewolf BOL

  32. I guess Halloween brings out the scaredy-cat in us all!

    Critter Alley

  33. We have loved your stories Molly, thanks! Happy Tuesday!

  34. It is the seasons of nut cases, eh?

    Your pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  35. Ai que medo!!!
    Ainda bem que por aqui está tranquilo!

    Beijos Molly e tome cuidado neste halloween ;)

  36. Hehehe, we love that some peeps were seeing things after consuming 'spirits'. Must give the Police a few laughs anyway. Take care sweetie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  37. Things do seem to go bump in the night more often in October....just sayin'


  38. Molly, are you for sure that there are no vampires there???

    Happy Halloween

    Loveys Sasha

  39. Hilarious that, with all the marketing that goes around Halloween, people would still get confused. I think you're consuming of "spirits" sounds spot on! :D

  40. The police are certainly busy on Halloween. We are glad to hear most of the reports are unfounded. But Molly, being we are cats and prone to fright, are you sure there are no ghost about?

    Happy Halloween,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  41. We hope werewolves don't try to break down our front door! Moving barricades into place now (and locking up the liquor).

    Susan and Wrigs
