Saturday, 5 October 2013

Dog House Blog, Stupid Saturday Sucks!

Molly The Wally Counts Her Pocket Money!
Over in Salt Lake City a pair of enterprising thieves took a car wash to the cleaners literally. They used a powerful vacuum cleaner to suck quarters out of a coin operated machine. The duo drew the suspicion of a passing police officer and failed to make a clean getaway. 'They had a good plan. They were enterprising. If they were successful they could have returned night after night,' said Sgt. Gary Young. 'More often thieves just use a crowbar. They get an A for effort but an F for execution.'
What gave the men away was a crude attempt at altering their vehicles' license plates. They used a piece of black electrical tape to change a D to a B, Young said. That will be D for Dumb to B for Burglar then. The bandits were at work for about 12 minutes, sucking coins out of the coin dispensary and used their own shop vacuum to do the work, he said. It was powered by an inverter rigged inside their Jeep SUV to produce household current. Police haven't counted their stash of quarters yet. Young said the coin-operated machine probably held no more than $30. Epic fail then on super stupid Saturday.

We got this lovely award from Us On Cloud9 and we say a big thank you and we will pop it on our awards page with pride.


  1. Definitely an epic fail!! DUMB indeed!! Happy Saturday to you Molly!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

  2. Oh my people are so often not at all clever

    urban hounds

  3. That's another one of those stupid human tricks Molly!

  4. Brains strike again, just proves that there is more dumb peeps then animals!

    The Mad Scots

  5. Wow - a crowbar might have been smarter, cheaper, and quieter!

  6. Some thieves are plain stupid and can't even carry out their plan properly! This happened to a wet-behind-the-ears 14 year old that stole my credit card and bought porn movies using his mailing address. TA DAH! Caught on the spot.

    OH MIZ MOLLY, we love ya!

  7. they were probably using the quarters to keep the vacuum going :)

  8. OMD~, silly humans!!

    Have a great weekend!
    Momo & Pinot

  9. Congrats on the award Mol!
    Wally & Sammy

  10. How interesting! We live right by SLC and did not know about this BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  11. Laughing at Cowspotdog comment . Have a great weekend Molly xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  12. omg, what a cutie pie!

    love molly the wally! what a FANTASTIC idea for a blog!
    super awesome.

    happy weekend~

  13. hahaha, but the idea sounds not bad...ok, for the first moment. Have a wonderful saturday!

  14. Ha, yep we had a local pet store that was broken into recently. The burglar alarm went off and instead of hopping it sharpish, they decided to take flight in the air cooling system and then got about bird brain. No animals in the store were hurt by the way, only the two legged dimwits.
    Lovely award Molly. :-) xxx

  15. Haha lol! Jail time for some quarters doesn't sound smart at all! :D

  16. Crime just doesn't pay - unless you are a banker of course, BOL.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  17. OMDs Molly surely those stupid thieves could find something better to do with their time... Your picture is so pretty
    Hugs madi your bfff

  18. Hahaha! All that for $30! Now, that D for DUMB!

  19. Back to the drawing board...bwahaahaa!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  20. Most criminals do get tripped up on something totally dumb!

  21. Glad you're not having a stupid Saturday! Have a great rest of the weekend. )

  22. Yep happened just up the road from us. Stupid is everywhere.

  23. Those dumbos wouldn't last in my hood. BTW, did you read about the poop pill they invented in Canada. It's for real.

  24. LOL! Humans can be very stupid sometimes.

  25. Oh wow... that's an interesting idea... I'd say "clever" but it's not really lol.

  26. the scary thing it if the stupid criminals actually had "brains" they would be dangerous,xx Rachel

  27. Well, that's certainly not something I would have thought of! But then I'd never think to try and rob a car wash either, bol!

    Congrats on your lovely award.

  28. They get points for creativity! Lee and Phod

  29. LOL they could have been engineers. Congratulations on your award!
